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Lane💐: Hey guys what's up?

Maknae😧: Lannne ias thfdat youb?

Mark🖍: Oh god

Bambam😨: Lanbe w e miswed y ou!

Youngjae☀️: Yug is hanging off the porch!! Mark help me!

Mark🖍: Shit! I'm trying to get Bambam from breaking all our plates! Jaebum wtf are you doing?

Jackson☕: Lannnnneeee I looovbvv-

Jaebum🐸: Taking Jackson's phone and saving his ass

Youngjae☀️: 👍 Mark and I got Yug off the balcony and locked the doors.

Mark🖍: and I checked, Jinyoung is sleeping like a rock and I put all the breakable things on the top cabinet

Lane💐: Omg what is happening over there?!

Jaebum🐸: Bambam and Jinyoung came home from somewhere with two bottles of Vodka-

Mark🖍: Then everyone started doing shots and now they are plastered 😂

Youngjae☀️: Well I would have had a few but Jaebum said it wasn't a good idea

Jaebum🐸: And I was right! If you were as wasted as the rest of them Yugyeom would have fallen off the balcony!

Maknae😧: I weas floy infg!

Jaebum🐸: For Christ sakes someone take his phone

Lane💐: Lamo that almost makes my day feel normal

Youngjae☀️: Go on

Lane💐: Well I'm traveling again and this time it is way farther 😣 I am completely exhausted

Mark🖍: Didn't  you just get back to Cali like 2 weeks ago?

Lane💐: Yeah but it's my job so ig I don't mind it as much, apart from the fact that I have to go meet some random idiots 😂

BamBam😨: WE aref ra nmdokm idipts

Youngjae☀️: Sure he is drunk but he is right... I'll grab his phone

Lane💐: No you guys are a shipper, a queen, a giant baby, a gummy bear guy, a normal person, a leader, and a Jackson

Mark🖍:  Awww but am I supposed to be the normal one?

Jaebum🐸: pfft best joke I heard all week

Youngjae☀️: Don't mind them, they also drank a Bit-

Mark🖍: Well at least we can hold our liquor 😤

Jaebum🐸: ...anyways where are you flying to?

Lane💐: I'm actually going to South Korea 😁

Youngjae☀️: 🛳🛳🛳🚢🚢🚢🛳🛳🚢🛳🚢🚢🛳🚢🛳🛳🚢🛳🛳🛳🚢🚢 IT IS SAILING!!!!

Youngjae☀️: You will finally get to- and- AHH there are to many emotions to fathom jfntieojdeksos

Mark🖍: He is just wheezing now

Lane💐: That Dedication tho

Jaebum🐸: Honestly Youngjae is not that far off tho, straight up watch Jackson pull up to the airport with one hell of hangover 😂

Mark🖍: We will tell him tommorow, rn I'm beat good night

Lane💐: Your right I should try to sleep too gn

Youngjae☀️: gn 😁

Jaebum🐸: Night Guys

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