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I woke up the next day, dressed in a Brad's oversized Arctic Monkeys shirt, feeling on top of the world. My head felt light and I could help the smile that was plastered over my face.

I look over to the other side of the unfamiliar bed, seeing the head of curls laying on the white pillows. I bite my lip, reminiscing on the feeling of yesterday.

I couldn't wait to tell Tiara, she'd be so happy for me.

I reach over to the side, expecting to feel my phone but it's not there. Tiara or Cory had it, I forgot to get it before I left the party.

My stomach flips at the reminder of last night, of what happened after I'd left the party. I wanted to feel it all over again.

It made sense that I felt so good since Brad clearly had experience in bed, he knew what he was doing.

I feel an arm over my stomach, pulling my close to Brad. The sheets was the only thing covering me up as he lifts me on him, holding me close.

"How are you feeling?" He asks. "Do you ache anywhere, pretty face?"

It hadn't occurred to me that it hurt down there and I nodded shyly, but he presses his lips to mine carefully.

"I tried my best to be gentle," he smiles, his eyes on my neck as his smile turns to a smirk. "You've got concealer at home, right?"

It didn't take a genius to work out that I had undoubtedly love bites all over my neck from last night. I didn't care.

He had hickeys over his neck too, and I blush, embarrassed that I'd done that. My fingers trace over them while my face stays centimetres from my face.

"I have University later," he announces and looks over to the digital clock on the nightstand. "I have to leave in an hour, join me in the shower?"

I laugh nervously, "I'll get a shower when I get back to my apartment, curls. I have to catch up on homework."

"Your loss," he grins and places another kiss to my lips before pushing me off of him and throwing me my dress that was on the floor. "I'll lend you some clean clothes, or you could stay naked, I don't mind."

I roll my eyes at him and he walks butt-naked to the bathroom, not a care in the world. We were flirtatious with each other, which I assume is normal due to the intimacy we shared yesterday.

I blush once more before turning and grinning into the pillow. I had sex. I felt like such a child, ecstatic over the smallest achievement.

Brad ended up lending me a pair of joggers, that were slightly too big, as well as a plain white t-shirt. He lent me some brand new boxers that he'd never worn—he gave me them straight out of the packet—and I had to go braless.

"Where do you live? I'll take you home on the way to uni," he says as he puts a shirt on himself, matching mine.

I give him my address which is thankfully not far from here, and we leave promptly. The car ride was comfortable, less tense than last night's.

His hand stayed on my thigh, leaving a burning sensation when he takes it off as we arrive.

"Can I have your number? I'd love to do something like last night with you another time," he asks politely, sincerely. "I noticed you don't have your phone, you can type your number into mine."

After a slightly awkward goodbye, Brad promises to call me when he's out of university and I walk into my apartment.

"There you are!" I'm greeted by Tiara and the smell of pancakes. She turns around to face me and looks me over once. "They aren't your clothes. . ."

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