25 - i'd run

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I skim my hands over the dress as I look at myself in the mirror

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I skim my hands over the dress as I look at myself in the mirror. I had straightened my hair and applied minimal make up, looking simple. I sent Brad a text, letting him know I was ready and he responded instantly, saying he'll be ten minutes.

With a small smile, I slip on my heels and my bag I was going to keep my phone and purse in.

I hadn't felt the best today but I knew it would be nice to get out of the apartment today. Brad had to go to uni today so I spent the day trying to find new jobs with no success.

I was thankful that Brad had stayed over last night to comfort me since I wasn't in the best state. What my dad said really got to me and it made me feel so shit.

Brad and I ended up spending the night watching films and eating most of my food and he left this morning in his joggers and shirt to go to uni. He didn't care what he looked like, he had told me after I lectured him on going looking like he just rolled out of bed.

I get a text eight minutes later from Brad, informing me that he's here and I lock up my apartment and go downstairs, noticing him leaning against his car, looking at his phone with a small smile.

He wore a black suit and white shirt, accompanied with a black bow tie. His hair was styled pretty much the same, and I smile as he slips his phone in his pocket and stands up properly.

"You look amazing," he smiles as I finally reach him. His hand reaches up to my cheek and he pulls me up for a quick kiss. Even in my heels, I didn't reach his height. "Just like I imagined."

I raise my eyebrows up suggestively before laughing, "You look good, too. If you'd had told me you pulled off a suit so well I would've made you wear one sooner."

"I won't be wearing it for long," he leans down and whispers in my ears and I felt my cheeks heating up and he pulls away with a chuckle, opening up the car door for me.

"Thank you," I smile and get in the car, fastening my seat belt while he closes the door and gets into the driver's seat.

"If you wanna go home at any point, let me know," Brad smiles over at me as he accelerates away from my apartment complex and start going to wherever the business evening is being held.

"Where even is this place?" I question, looking out of the window.

"It's just North of town," he hums, flipping his indicator on as we take a left turn. "It's not far, ten minutes maybe? It's in a huge building my dad rented out for the night."

The mention of his dad made my stomach do flips. I was nervous to meet his dad, especially because his dad sounded very strict.

"Okay," I reply and he shots me a small smile. "And all I have to do is talk to you, right? I don't wanna have to talk to businesspeople because I have no clue what they're talking about."

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