34 - do too

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Brad tugs his white shirt over my shoulders and pulls my arms through his sleeves. His short sleeved shirt ends mid forearm and I laugh as he presses kisses to my cheeks, forehead, nose and finally lips.

"Lets go," he says, grabbing his sports bag filled with his football kit. He had a match tonight and was forcing me to come along and watch him.

I tuck his long shirt into my tight, blue jeans and slip on some shoes, following him out of the door. The ride is filled with jokes and laughter and karaoke songs and when we arrive at the playing grounds, we climb out.

"I've got to change in the changing rooms," he grins, taking my hand and kissing my lips. He always stole small kisses whenever he could. "But I wanna see you front row, screaming my name. You know? Like you do in bed—"

I whack his shoulder, a laugh escaping our lips, "I'll be front row. Cheering you on."

"Miss you already," he grins as he starts walking back, turning away and jogging up to the building to change while I make my way to the field where the bleachers were.

It was already crowded, friends and family of both teams cramped into one, large bleacher stand. I find a spare seat at the front, sitting down and patiently waiting for the game to start. I glance at the time plastered on my phone screen. Five minutes.

"Charlotte? Can I talk to you?"

I turn around, surprised to hear the voice of my best friend from my side. She was dressed in an oversized jumper and jeans. I wasn't sure how I felt towards her. I felt guilty for lying to her about Brad and I's relationship, however I was angry that even after Brad and I became open about our relationship, she tried to make a move on him.

"We need to talk," she nervously plays with the ends of her jumper. I stand up to face her, wanting to know what she has to say. "I just wanted to apologise, for being rude to you and Brad. I should be happy for you, because you're happy now. But I was so annoyed that you had to lie to me about it, especially because it's with Brad. You knew how much I wanted to get with him."

"No offence, but why are you apologising?" I ask. "Three hours ago you were making out with him, and now you're apologising."

"I guess I realised how forward I was and when he told me all the stuff he thought about you, I realised how much he really likes you," she shrugs. "I really am sorry, Char. And I understand if you don't forgive me. But I just wanted to get it off my chest."


"Okay? What do you mean?"

"Okay, I forgive you," I affirm. "But I cant. . . I can't go back to how we were. We were in a toxic friendship and I realise that now. We both need to move on and just be civil."

"I get it," she agrees with a quick nod. "And I'm sorry, again. Really."

I wave goodbye as she turns away and I sit back down, letting out a sigh. One of relief since we were on semi-good terms and she hopefully wouldn't try to get with Brad again, and one of exhaustion since I was so tired.

I spot Brad jogging up to me with a grin, holding his hand out as he reaches me, pulling me up, "Hey, pretty face."

"Hi, curls," I smile as he kisses my forehead. "Good luck out there."

"I got my lucky charm sitting right here," he grins before moving away. "Are you okay? I saw Tiara talking to you."

"I'm fine, she was apologising."

"About damn time," he scoffs. "She's such a bitch, I don't know what James ever saw in her."

"He saw his dick in her, therefore they hooked up."

The sound of his laughter fills my ears and moments later he's called back by his coach to join the team for a prep talk.

"I've gotta go, I best see you cheering me on," he wiggles his brows, stealing a kiss before jogging away, leaving me grinning.

His hands are on my back while mine are in his curls. I had no clue what time it was but I didn't care. The kiss was slow, passionate and full of lots of emotion. We just wanted to be as close together as we could. I was straddling his legs as he leant against the headboard.

He wears an award winning grin as he pulls away, resting his forehead against mine, "I could do this all night."

"I think we have," I laugh, looking at the clock, and as presumed, it's half four in the morning. I let out a yawn. "We should probably go to sleep. . ."

"Yeah, no," he chuckles, moving us around so my head was against the pillows and him above me. "We can do an all-nighter." He smothers my face with small kisses. "And I can keep you awake if you start to fall asleep."His hands move from my back to my cheeks.

"Are you not tired?" I bring my lips to his, smiling as I run my hand through his hair, something I knew he liked.

"I feel like I'm never tired around you," he admits and I push him off of me so he's lying next to me. He smiles down at me as his head rests slightly higher than me. "I feel so alive when I'm with you. Now kiss me."

I laugh and press a kiss to his lips once more before a yawn escapes my mouth, "Okay, no offence because you're amazing and everything, but I'm tired."

"Okay," he smile down to me and I drag the quilts over our bodies, laying close to him and running my hand through his hair as I drift off to sleep. "Charlotte?"

My eyes snap open, his eyes gazing into mine and I smile faintly, "what's up?"

"I love you. That's all, you can go to sleep," he grins at me and I laugh, allowing him to press a kiss to my lips.

"I love you, too," I smile up at him.

"Say it again."


"Just do it," he begs, stealing another kiss.

"I love you, curls."

"Hmm, I love it when you say that," he hums in satisfaction and my cheeks heat up. "Okay, you can go to sleep now, pretty face."

"Thanks for your permission," I laugh and turn over, removing my hands from his curls and I get comfortable in the sheets.

An arm snakes over my waist and pulls me to his chest and he buries his head in my shoulder, his long curls tickling me and I have to stifle a giggle to try and get myself to sleep.

My shirt had rode up along my stomach so Brad's hand rested there, his thumb moving in circular motions against my exposed skin and sending shivers throughout my body. He made it an impossible task to try and get to sleep.

"Goodnight, curls," I sigh into my pillow and his head shifts from my shoulder and he kisses my cheek.

"Goodnight, pretty face."


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