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I lay on my bed at half past eight on Thursday night. I was thinking about the dinner evening tomorrow and how it could go so many ways—my dad tell Charlotte about my embarrassing childhood memories and they get along, or he manipulates her into hating me. I don't think I could cope with her hating me.

I'd been doing a lot of thinking recently about Charlotte. Especially after my talk with Rachel, I started to question my feelings for her. I couldn't possibly be in love with her, because we hadn't known each other long. But I definitely liked her more than a friend.

The thought of being her boyfriend scared the shit out of me, but at the same time it didn't because we acted like we were in a relationship—except when Tiara was around.

I hadn't had sex with anyone but Charlotte—minus the close call with her friend at the party—since I met Charlotte the first night.

My thoughts are cut off short by my phone ringing and I sigh, turning over on my sheets and reaching over for it to see Charlotte's contact lighting up my screen. I have to hold back a smile as I answer.

"Hey pretty face," I greet her. "How was work?"

I hear a sniffle on the other side of the line, "c-can you come pick me up? Rachel's not here and I don't want to be alone tonight."

"Are you alright? Did something happen?" I sit up, putting her on speaker as I put on a white shirt and some Adidas joggers. I slip on some socks and shoes and pick my phone back up, pressing it to my ear again while walking down my stairs.

"I—my," she pauses and takes a heavy breath. "I'll tell you everything when you're here, okay? I promise. P-please come pick me up."

"I'm on my way," I say as I grab my keys and lock my door. "Where are you, pretty face?"

"I'm down the road from my café," she sniffles. "How long are you gonna be? I gotta get away from here."

"I'm gonna be as quick as I can, okay? Five minutes tops," I reassure her as I get in my car and fasten my seat belt and race off, my phone on speaker once again. "Are you safe?"

"Yeah, I'm outside Duncan Donut's," she mumbles and I hope she had a coat since it was cold out tonight. I ask her questions to distract her from whatever had her upset as I make my way down to Duncan Donut's. When the lit up, giant donut is in sight, I end the call and get out of the car.

She was stood there with her thin jacket wrapping around her petite frame, slipping her phone in her jeans as she walked quickly over to me but it didn't match my pace. Within a few strides, her arms were around my shoulders while mine hugged her close by the torso.

We didn't say anything as we just stood there, wrapped around each other as cars pass. The only things I could see was lit by the dim lampposts and the moonlight that shone through the clouds.

"Come on, lets get you home," I say quietly as I loosen my grip. She pulls away and nods, wiping her eyes and I didn't realise she had been crying until I notice a small patch of wetness where her face had been.

My hand is on the small of her back as I guide her to my car. She climbs in and closes the door while I go to the driver's seat and fasten my seat belt, beginning the journey to her apartment.

It was a silent journey and it was tense. I wanted to know what was wrong but I wanted her to calm down, too; I wanted her to be emotionally stable. When we arrive, I follow her up to her apartment like a lost puppy and wait for her to open the door and we walk into her lounge.

She sits down on her sofa with a heavy sigh and I sit next to her, taking her hands in mine. A few moments pass and she finally looks me in the eyes. My heart nearly broke at how sad she looked.

"What happened?" I question cautiously, unsure if she's ready to answer yet.

"M-my dad," she says and instantly I tense. "We had an argument again. It's all we ever do, you know? There's always something I'm doing wrong. Anyway, apparently my shirt was too tight this time and I was trying to show off for the boys. He called me a slut and this time he was too loud and this girl stepped in and told my dad to stop being so rude to me.

"It was a nice gesture and my dad apologised to me, I knew he didn't mean it and when we were packing up everything, he called me over," she sniffs, and I could feel my blood boiling. Did he hurt her? "He waited till everyone had gone and it was us two and shouted at me. He was throwing insult after insult and as I stand up to leave he stops me and tells me I'm fired. Brad, I don't have a job."

She moves one of her hands from mine and wipes her eyes, tears spilling out and I sigh, "you shouldn't cry over that asshole. I don't care if he is your dad or not."

"I'm not crying over my dad," she continues. "He's always been a prick, anyone knows that. Ever since my mum—nevermind. I knew that he'd fire me sooner or later—he's drinking more and when he drinks he is less tolerant—so I started looking up for cheaper apartments and new jobs but no one is hiring so I can't afford all of this. I have two weeks before my bills are in, and I don't have enough money to cover just my electricity bill. I'm fucked, Brad."

"You'll find a job," I reassure her. "Somewhere will be hiring, right? And anyone would be stupid to not hire you—you're amazing and funny and hot. You'll get through this, okay?"

She sighs, "and if I can't I'm gonna be fucking homeless. I'm gonna have to live with Tiara and her bratty fucking dog that doesn't stop barking."

"Sounds like hell," I mutter, referring to Tiara, not the dog and she rolls her eyes, a hint of a smile on her facing as the corner of her lips lift up oh-so slightly.

"I'm sorry for calling you up," she apologises with another sigh. "I just didn't know who else to call. Probably Tiara, thinking about it, but she's probably getting her beauty sleep or something."

"I'm glad you called me," I smile at her and move my hands to her legs and lift her up over my lap and pull her close into a hug. "I'm always here for you."

There's a moment of silence as she wraps her arms over my shoulders.



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