35 - epilogue

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I threw it at the wall, hoping it would smash but it didn't. Thank goodness I was alone because that's embarrassing. I can't break a stick of plastic.

I was going to have a panic attack. It couldn't be right, it couldn't be happening. I try and calm my breathing and pick up another box and retake the test for the third time. The other two were definitely broken.

I impatiently wait in the bathroom for some results and when I look at the small stick, two lines stretched across the small screen. I threw that pregnancy test at the wall, too. It didn't break again.

"Babe?" I heard Brad call through the door. I forgot he'd be home soon. He tries to walk in but the door was locked. What was he going to say when he sees that I could be pregnant? "Are you okay? Do you need some tablets?"

"I'm fine," I call back but my voice was strained from the stress-crying I'd been doing, so I didn't sound convincing. I'm greeted by silence.

"Are you crying? Did I do something?" He asks eventually and I sniffle, shaking my head to clear my thoughts and compose myself.

"I'm fine," I repeat, standing up off the closed toilet seat and unlocking the bathroom door to see Brad. His hair was in a man bun and he was wearing a white shirt and black trousers.

The thought of not waking up to see him every morning literally pained me. I got heart strains and everything. He was definitely going to leave me if he finds out I'm pregnant.

Immediately, he notices my puffed up eyes and red cheeks and engulfs me in one of his trademarked bear hugs, pulling me as close as he could and my arms wrap around his torso.

He doesn't ask questions, we just stand there in silence as he rubs my back soothingly. Eventually, I let out a sigh and wipe my eyes to get rid of the tears in my eyes.

"Did someone do something?" He finally breaks the silence. I could lie and say yes but then he'd ask for every detail—including their address so he can 'have a word' with them—but I should tell him that I'm pregnant. I can't exactly hide a baby bump in a few months time.

"No one did anything," I reassure him as he grabs my hand and walks backwards to his bed. He sits down on the edge and pulls me on to his lap, so I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Tell me what's got you so sad."

"I'm not sad, I'm frustrated," I correct him. "And scared."

"Scared? Why?"

I lift my head from his shoulder, looking into his concerned, brown orbs, "I'm gonna tell you something and you've got to promise you won't leave me, okay?"

"I promise. Never," he agrees, planting his lips on mine for a quick kiss, his hands on my waist as he waits impatiently for an explanation.

"I was in the bathroom because I think I'm pregnant."

It was a weight off of my chest, something I no longer had to stress about. It was out in the open an there's nothing we can do about it now. I can't take it back, I can only hope for his best reaction.


I nod.

"That's amazing. Fuck, this is insane," his smile grows into a grin and he stands us both up, spinning us around and I can't help but laugh. "I'm gonna be a dad. Why'd you think I'd leave you over this? This is amazing news."

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