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¥ Sammy

"Dean." I hear a voice cry out. "Dean."

"Hey, Dean. Wake up, Cas needs you."

Dean opens his eyes after I shake him. "Huh?"

"Dean, get the nurse. Please, hurry." Cas cries, tears falling from his eyes.

"Cas? What's wrong!?" Dean panics, rushing to Cas' side.

"It hurts, get the nurse, please."

"Sammy, go get the nurse. Nurse I'm going to stay with him."

I nod and hurriedly walk out the room to the nurse. "Uhm, sorry to interrupt but Castiel is in extreme pain and is begging for you."

The nurse starts grabbing thinks and fast walks to his room. My heartbeat races as I start hearing Dean screaming for help. Without thought, I'm running into Cas' room.

"Code blue! Patient is seizing!"

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