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£ Cassy

You - Dean, where are you!? Class started 10 minutes ago!

Pielover - I'm coming, calm your tits.

You - No, why are you late?

Pielover - Because reasons.

You - Tell me when you get here.

Pielover - K.

You - Don't k me bastard.

Pielover - K

You - 😡🔪

Pielover - 😋😄

You - 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒

"Castiel, do you mind telling the whole class what you're typing that's so much more important than your work?"

"Sorry, professor."

"Get back to work." She tells me.

I sigh, rolling my eyes and pick my pencil up. This work was so pointless, I already knew all the answers. I'm a smart person.

"Sup, bitch."

I turn around and see Dean smiling.

"Dean?" My eyes widen.

"Mr. Winchester, instead of fighting, maybe you should get to class on time."

"Nah, I'm good." Dean talks back.

"Do your work."

I turn back around to Dean. "Dean."

He hops over his seat and plops down beside me. "Heya, buddy."

"Dean." I say again as he smiles and looks down to his work.

"Mind if I copy you?"

I grab his face and make him look at me. "Are you okay?"

His smile fades and he looks the opposite way.

"Hey, Winchester, here's my number. Incase you wanna, ya know." A girl tries handing Dean her number scribbled on a piece of paper.

"Uhm, no, Karen. Find someone else to fuck with." I say and throw her paper somewhere else in the classroom.

"What the fuck, Castiel?" She asks.

"I'm kind of having a conversation with MY best friend, incase you didn't see that."

"Oh, no, I saw. I just don't care."

"And Dean doesn't care about your slutty ass. Now leave us."

"Asshole." She mutters.

"Uh, Cas is right about this one. I go for the shy ones, not the sluts."

"You like shy? I can be shy." I slip out by accident.

"What?" She asks me.

"Oh, nothing. I was just mocking you." I say as Dean gives me that stupid stare of his with that lip bite.

"Oh, I see what's going on here. Cas has the hots for Dean, but Dean doesn't swing that way. Sorry, honey."

"And? He's my best friend." Dean says. "Now can you please stop trying to get in my pants and do your work, bitch?"

She glares at us and moves back into her seat.

"Damn, Cas." Dean smirks.

"Dean, don't fuck around with me-"

"What if I want to?" He whispers.

"Shut up, are you okay? Is Sammy hurt too?"

"No, I took the beating again."

"Dean, please let me get you guys out of th-"

"No, Cas. It's too much stress on Sammy."

"And getting abused isn't?"

"Please don't start this." He begs. "I just want one day without you talking about my home life."

"That isn't your home. That is just a house."

"Then where's home?"

"With me."


"And my family. We love you guys."

"I know, bu-"

"No, Dean. You don't fucking know. You only care about yourself."

"Whatever, Cas. Go fuck yourself."

"I bet I can fuck myself better than you've fucked me."

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