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It just turned eleven p.m and we were exhausted. Chuck told us to stop at the the next hotel and we were going to stay there. I told him I didn't want a hotel, I was just going to go to the next motel. They were a half hour ahead of us anyway and we can barely keep our eyes open now. Chuck is fine wih it, so that's good, it gives them more time away from us anyway.

"Dean, motel 6 up ahead." Sam tells me.

I hear Cas yawning from the backseat and yawn as well. "Almost there, Cas. Hang on, buddy." I tell him, seeing his eyes begin to droop from the rearview mirror. Poor guy could barely hold his head up he was that tired. I see the motel 6 sign getting brighter and park in the next spot.

"You guys stay here I'll get the keys." Sammy tells me.

"Okay." I reply and open the back door. "C'mon, Cas." I help him out of the backseat. "You ate all those rods already?" I joke.

"Screw you, Dean."

"I'm kidding."

"I know." He says, stretching.

A few moments later Sammy is walking to us with 2 keys. "There is two rooms left. They have 1 full in, so one of us is either sleeping in the car or on the motel floor unless they have a couch."

Me and Cas nod.

"I'll sleep in my Baby." I say.

"You sure? They may have a couch." Sam says.

"No, I'm sleeping out here." I tell him.

"Okay, well, here's your key, Cas."

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