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€ Deanny

Cas hasn't talked to me in a month. Halloween was in 3 days and Gabriel invited me and Sammy without Cas knowing. I wasn't sure we were going to go, dad was home. This past month was horrible for me and Sammy, Cas too probably. I know Cas just wanted a friend. A real friend, all his other friends were bad influences and judged him. New and Sammy were the only ones who liked him for who he really is.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" I hear my father yell and then a loud smash.

I jump to my feet and run down the stairs as fast as I can.


"Nothing, dad. I'm sorry." Sammy says scared.

When I walk into the kitchen, I see a broken cabinet door and a little puddle of water on the floor. Dad pushed Sammy on the ground. "Get away from him!" I yell.

"Dean! Get out or you'll get it too!"

"No! Get the fuck away from Sammy!"

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to!?"

"You, you bastard!"

"What did you just call me?"

Dad inches closer to me. "Sammy, run upstairs. Go." I say, backing up.

"No, Dean." He says. "I'm not leaving you."

"Sammy! Now!" Sammy obeys and hurries up the stairs, leaving me alone with dad. "Don't ever put your hands on my baby brother again." I tell my father.

"You don't fucking tell me what to do, Dean!" He booms. "You ungrateful little prick!"

"Get away from me!" I yell as he backs me into the wall.

"This is for backtalking!" He punches me in the face.

Blood drips from my, forcing my hand to cover it.

"This is for being disrespectful!" He punches me in the stomach.

I fall to my knees, pain filling my body. "No wonder why mom left you." I whisper.

He grabs me by the throat and slams my head against the wall. "Your mother left because she couldn't stand you boys, she never loved you. And neither do I." He snaps. "Now clean this mess up or I won't be done." He grabs his coat and walks out the house, slamming the door behind him.

I hear Sammy running down he stairs and over to me. "Dean, why did you do that?" He asks angrily. "I can take a hit."

"Sammy, I'm fine."

"Look at you, Dean. You're not fine!"

"Stop, Sammy." I growl, pushing him away, trying to stand. My body slips and I faceplant the floor, busting my lip.

"Dammit, Dean." He says, picking me back up. "You're stupid for doing this."

The blood continues dripping down my face as I hop on the counter

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The blood continues dripping down my face as I hop on the counter. "I'll be back." Sam tells me. "Stay."

"I'm not a dog." I snap.

"You smell like one." He jokes.

I try to smile, but fail as pain shoots through my lips and face.

He comes back with a first aid kit and cleans my cuts up. "Don't do that again."

"What even happened?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it."


"Just something stupid. I thought you were the one in the kitchen and I scared him, so he flipped."

"Just stay in our room from now on."

I watch as a single tear slips down his cheek.

"Sammy, don't cry." I say, wiping the tear away. "When you turn 18 in a few months, I'm getting you put of here." I tell him. "I promise."

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