85 5 10

€ Deanny

"Dean-the room is spinning." Cas speaks, waking me from my sleep.

I rub my eyes, sitting up. "Hmm?"

"The room is spinning. My mouth is bleeding."

"That's normal, Cas."

"Dean, I want to shower."

"Cas, love, it isn't safe enough for you to shower."

"Dean, I need to relax!" He whines in my ear.

"How about this, I'll fill the bathtub up and help you with a bubble bath?" I blink to wake myself up fully.

"Okay." He says.

I stand up, swaying a bit from being tired and then help Cas up.

"Dizzy." He whispers.

"I know, love." I walk him to the bathroom, setting him on the counter. "Where's the bubbles?" I ask, looking up at him.

He points to the closet.

I open the door and grab the bubbles and a towel, walking to the tub. After I turn the water on, I wait for it to be the perfect temperature before plugging the drain.

Cas opens the bubbles and hands ten to me. "Thanks, Cas." I pour some bubbles under the faucet, watching the water foam up. "Ready?"

He nods, wincing again.

I stand up, pulling Cas' clothes off. "Alright, here." I wrap my arm around his back, helping him into the tub. I watch as he sits down, goosebumps forming on his skin as the adjusts to the water temperature. "Is it too hot?" I ask.

"No." He plays with the bubbles.

I nod to myself, taking the cup, tipping his head back. "I'm gonna wash your hair, okay?" I ask.


I pour the water on his head, shielding his eyes with my hands. After his hair is soaked, I put the shampoo in, lathering his hair up.



"I'm lonely."

"Cas, I'm right here." I laugh.

He shifts, slowly, facing me. "I mean in here." His fingers start pulling at my sweatpants.

"Cas, really?"

"Please, just get in here with me."

I sigh, rolling my eyes and nod. Peeling my clothes off, I slowly get into the bathtub, wincing as the cold tile touches my back. Cas leans into me, between my legs. "How am I supposed to clean you if my dick is on your back?" I joke.

"Don't clean me, just relax with me."

"You're needy."

"You're bitchy." He retorts.


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