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£ Cassy

"Cas....Cas. Wake up. It's time to go."

"No, bitch." I muffle, rolling onto my stomach.

"Get up or I'm going home." Dean threatens.

My eyes open. "I'm up."

"Brush your teeth, get dressed, and we have to go." He tells me, running the tired from his eyes. "It says you need to wear loose clothing, so here's my sweat pants and shirt."

"I have a dresser and closet full of sweatpants and shirts, Dean."

"Yeah, well I'm telling you to wear mine."

I roll my eyes and get dressed in his clothes. He goes to brush his teeth, his nice ass dressed in his flannel, leather jacket, and them tight ass jeans.

"Stop staring at my ass." He says, not turning around.

"I-I wasn't."


I glare at his back, flipping him off before walking into the bathroom with him, fully clothed. I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste brushing my teeth. From the corner of my eye, I see him leaning against the wall, staring at me with warm eyes. "Take a picture, It'll last longer."

He takes out his phone, snapping a picture, catching me off guard.

"No! Delete it, you assbutt!" I shout, my toothbrush hitting the wisdom tooth, causing me to groan in pain, holding my cheek.

"Awe, are you okay?" He asks, holding my face up.

"No, delete the picture." I say, rinsing the toothpaste out my mouth with water.

"I will later." He says, putting his phone in his pocket.

I grab his phone, running to my room.

"Bitch!" He shouts and tackles me onto my bed.

"Hey!" I yell as he takes his phone back.

He flips me over so I'm on my back,  facing him. "Don't take my phone, jackass." He says, my arms pinned to the bed.

"Or what?" I challenge.

"This." He leans down to my lips, kissing me.

"Oh, wow. A kiss, yeah, Dean. That'll make me behave."

"Not that." He says, pulling my pants down, my dick already semi hard from being pinned down and turned on.

"A quickie? You're gonna fuck me now?" I ask. "Dean!"

"No, so shut your cakehole."

"Stay out of my cakehole."

He shakes his head with a laugh before bending down, taking my dick into his mouth.

"Christ!" I exclaim. "For a straight person, you really like sucking dick."

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