96 4 7

€ Deanny

Butterscotch Lollipop - Where's Sam?

You - With me, Cas. He's with me.

Butterscotch Lollipop - Where's your dad?

You - Out.

Butterscotch Lollipop - I'm outside, I'm coming in.

You - Okay.

I hear the front door open and go to meet Cas at the stairs. His eyes look into mine for 15 seconds before he runs up the stairs engulfing my body in a hug. "Hey, man." I say, patting his back.

"Hi." He whispers.

"I have a surprise for you." I tell him.

He tilts his head to the side.

"Two actually." I clarify. "The second was wasn't planned until like 15 minutes ago."

"What do you mean?"

"Come with me." I intertwine our fingers with a smile and walk him to me and Sammy's room. "Sammy?"

"Yeah, Dean?"

I poke my head in the door. "Cas is here."

"Bring him in." He smiles.

I open the door more, covering his eyes. "Walk forward." I tell him, guiding him to sit on my bed. "Open."

His eyes open and he smiles widely. "Awe, omg, Dean!" He hold his hands out in a grabby matter.

Sam chuckles, putting the puppy in Cas' arms.

Cas immediately tames the puppy, the small creatures forming into a ball in his lap, licking at his hand. "Where'd you get him?"

"Actually, she's a girl. She was outside crying, Sammy found her." I say.

"She's beautiful." He says petting her softly. "Is your dad gonna let you keep her?"

"She's yours. She was the surprise you dork." Sammy smiles.

Cas chuckles, standing up hugging me and my brother with the puppy still in his arms. "Thank you, both."

"Oh! She was the second gift, your first gift is this." I turn around and grab the coffee and chocolates.

"Dean." Cas says in awe. "I told you I was kidding about that."

"And I told you I wasn't." I smile. "It's your favorite. Mocha choca latte with extra whip cream. Surprisingly still hot as fuck."

He gives me a sincere smile and hugs me again. "You're the best."

"Let me walk you home. It's getting late." I say, looking at my watch.

Cas nods and holds the puppy in both arms. "You coming, Sammy?"

"I'm actually going to let you guys go alone."

"What about your dad?"

"I'm hiding in the backyard until Dean comes back.

Cas gives him a smile before walking out the room, me following. Sam goes outside to the backyard and I carry Cas' chocolates and coffee.

"Thank you, Dean."

I look at Cas who was holding the puppy closely. "You're welcome." I wrap an arm around his shoulders.

"What if I can't keep her?"

"Why wouldn't you be able to?"

"My dad. Rowena."

"It was Rowena's idea and Chuck said it was fine."

"What? Why are you texting my dad and step mom?"

"They love me, we're best buds, your dad and I. Rowena though, I think she has a little crush on me."

"Ew, Dean." He says shaking his head and groaning.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Don't get your dick in a knot."

"Why are you so sweet?"

"I'm not, Cas." I say.

He looks into my eyes.

"I'm mega sweet."

He chuckles, rolling his eyes playfully. "You're such a dork."

"Yeah, but I'm your dork."

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