Chapter 4: Management

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Chapter 4: Management

The whole car ride I was feeling very un easy. I was worried for what management might think. The slightest things can upset them. They always control the people we are associated with; girlfriends, friends, anything like that. If they knew more about Kayt they wouldn't like her one bit. But she was always extra nice around them.

Lou pulled up to the management building, and my stomach lurched. I could be in a lot of trouble for this whole bar fight situation. And if gets released into media... I don't even want to think about that.

Liam placed his hand on my shoulder and have it a little reassuring squeeze. " We're all here for you, mate." They all chorused a nod in agreement.

They could all tell I was nervous. Management can be very intimidating. I gave them a small smile and nod to signal my appreciation.

Inside we rode the elevator to the 7th floor and headed down the corridor to the last room to the right. Liam entered first followed by Harry and

Zayn. Louis and I trailed behind them. Josh waited outside, he had a different meeting with the other crew members.

There were only three of them. Anne, Frank and Ed. Anne was seated in the middle, with Ed on her right and Frank on her left. They were all dressed in suits, looking proper. Anne's hair was pulled tight into a bun, Frank's hair was neatly parted and Ed's was just, Ed. He didn't put any effort into it, just simple. Ed was definitely the most carefree amongst them, he was the youngest. Still, he could be very strict like the rest, but he knew when to joke.

"Hello, lads." Anne greeted. " I bet you are wondering, why we requested you'd be here." She visually swept the room with her eyes. They landed upon my face, and I could tell she noticed something was wrong with my scenario. She shrugged it off, but I knew she would come back to it.

When no one ,replied she carried on. "Well, we have a bit of a surprise for you. We're going back on tour! The North American Tour, to be precise."

This didn't really come as much as a surprise to us. She reminded us at our last meeting that the tour was quickly approaching and that we should enjoy our last couple weeks.

"When are we leaving? Louis questioned.

"Tommorow." Frank said sternly. "We'll send Paul and a Driver over to be there at half past noon. "

"What?!" The lads all chorused. I decided to stay silent, as I didn't want to draw any attention to myself. Sure it was a huge surprise, giving us just under 24 hours to pack and get ready.

"Sorry for the short notice, lads." Frank continued, " But we had to make a few changes and add a couple shows in , in order for a greater viewer selection. It's in your best interest to see more fans and visit different cities. Anyways, Niall doesn't seem to have a problem with it."

I tensed in my chair as all eyes laid upon me. Anne had the most frightening stare. She did this thing where it actually looked like she could see right through you, deep in your soul and could pull out all your secrets.

"Yeah, James, won't you miss your little 'KaytiePop' ?!" Ed air quoted. He always teased me about how loved up I was over Kayt and my pet name for her. He also had a thing for calling me by my middle name. I felt Zayn and Louis tense beside me and slip a reassuring gaze my way.

"Uh, it'd be hard to, since we aren't together." I said, surely making Ed feel awkward.

His face dropped a little while he mumbled a sorry. Anne was first to brush it off and change the subject.

"What are you hiding, Niall?" She was blunt and straight forward. There was no beating around the bush with Anne. You never questioned her motives, they always turned out alright. You could never win an argument. And you could almost, never tell a lie without her catching it.

When I said nothing she started up again. " Sunglasses indoor? Is that a fashion statement?"

I shrugged. It very well could be.

"Take them off, I know your hiding something, Niall." She said.

"Why, I like them." I replied.

" Take them off, Horan." When she used your last name, you knew she was serious.

I slowly and reluctantly slipped my glasses off and looked straight to the ground. Had it gotten worst? Or was the swelling going down? I just hope it didn't look all that bad right now.

"What happened ?" She questioned.

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't tell her about the bar fight. She may of questioned my motives and then turned this into something bigger than what it is. I tried to think of a lie. I fell? No to obvious. Anyone would be able to see through that. As something clever came in to mind I started to speak. But the words were not coming out through my mouth.

" He tried to wake me up as a prank in the middle of the night. I thought he was some thief or something, and well, punched him." Zayn confessed.

Anne hesitated , looking for anyways to pick apart this lie. She left room for anyone to crumble and confess. No one budged, but she still questioned me.

"Well then why didn't you say so in the first place, Niall?"

"It's quite embarrassing, wouldn't you say. Getting sucker punched by this, 'Bradford Bad Boy' ." I motioned to Zayn and he chuckled at the reference of the name.

" Alright. Well, we'll let you lads out then. You should probably start packing. " We all stood up and began to leave. I slid my shades back on and looked up to see Anne's eyes locked on me. For some reason I knew this wouldn't be the end of this story. Whether if it was a tease about getting sucker pinched by Zayn, or the unveiling of the truth. Anne was very reluctant to let this all just slide.

When we got out of earshot I went over to Zayn.

"Thanks, mate."

" No problem. That'll teach you not to mess with this Bradford Bad Boy." He winked . I rolled my eyes and just chuckled.

"Hey, where's Josh?" I questioned.

"He's in his meeting now. He said he'll get a ride back with one of the other crew members." Liam said. I nodded to signal my understanding.

"All right lads, we've got a night full of packing to conquer!" Louis exclaimed and ran to hit the elevator button. This earned him a bunch of groans from the rest of us. At least I had something to look forward to tonight.

Fall For You (Niall Horan) - Nemi / Diall [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now