Life at Home- Chap. 1

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Kenzie's P.O.V

Dear Diary, I think this by far the best night of my life! Or so I thought...You will never believe what I am about to say. Mark flipping Thomas just asked me out on a date! Ahhhhh I am so excited!
                              End of entry

"Mackenzie Frances Ziegler it is time to go!"
Melissa yells, as Kenzie vigorously scribbles her last entry of the day into her diary.

"You have 5 minutes to come downstairs before we leave without you!"

"Ugh fine!" "But you know I don't wanna go to this stupid reunion."

You know I just wish my mom would let me do what I want to do sometimes. For Gods Sakes it is always about my mom 24/7 and never about me!
I just wish she would consider doing something for me. And oh if you are wondering... NO she never remembers my birthday and when she does, the only thing she says is "Happy Birthday!" and that is all! I probably will never understand why my mother hates me so much. THANK GOODNESS, I have tons of friends at school who love and support me and we don't wanna forget my precious Mark! Who asked me out on a date! So where do I begin, oh I know, so it started in 1st grade when Mark first walked in the classroom one day and said you are so pretty! And from that day on I have had a crush on him since. And yeah yeah I know I was only in first grade but still, he is hot as hell!

"Makenzie!" Melissa yells. "Get your head out of your ass and listen to what I am saying!"

"Sorry mom I was only daydreaming!"

"I am sure of that!" Melissa says.
Now as I was saying,when we get to the reunion there will be rules I expect you to follow!

"Yes." Ugh, I hate when mom makes rules they suck!

"So!" "Rule Number 1." "No talking to people unless I introduce you to them." "Rule Number 2." "Only speak when I grant permission to do so." "Rule number 3." "Don't start eating until I say you can! "And lastly Rule Number 4." "Don't question me in any, way, shape, or form." "About anything!" "Got it?!"

"Yes Mom." This is so unfair Maddie never has to follow any stupid rules and did I forget to mention that mom favors Maddie.

End of Chapter.
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