The Abductors Son- Chap. 6

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Kenzie's POV
I wake up to feel the same pounding in my head that I had earlier. When I open my eyes I realize I am not in the same room Melissa had thrown me in. I am in someone else's apartment! I look down and the only thing I am wearing is a bra and thong!
"A thong!"
I never have worn a thong. I run to the the small bathroom in the room and look for some clothes.
"Ugh, I can't find my clothes!"
I try pulling the bedroom door open but it is locked!
I look around the room for some type of key and I hear the creaking sound of the door slowly opening.
"Hello!" "Who is there?" I ask,
I realize how I am almost naked and I grab a towel and put it around my body.
This young boy who looks about my age walks in. He has gorgeous green eyes, silky brown hair, and great style! I notice him checking me out and I snap out of my thoughts and say.
"So you never answered my question?" "Who are you and why am I here!?!" "Did you abduct me?"

"No I didn't abduct you." "But... my dad did for...let's just say nasty things." "So, I am not supposed be talking to you but my dad will be out for a few hours." "Oh! I am Johnny by the way!

"I am Mackenzie,but you can call me Kenzie or Kenz." I stare at his face in worry about what kind of things will happen if his dad finds out he is talking to me. "So I was wondering what do you think will happen if your dad finds out we met each other?"

"He will probably beat me up but, he won't find out I can guarantee it." "I have tried to escape my dad for many years but he always puts locks on all the doors." "Um, do you need clothes or anything?" "My dad put your clothes in my room." He asks.

"Yes!" "That would be great!" I say. He takes me to his bedroom and I examine the difference between his room and his dads. His room seems to be more tidy.

"So, here are the clothes." he says.
"Thanks" "But if your dad sees me in clothes won't he wonder how I got them?" I ask.

"Oh yea sorry I totally forgot about that part." "So I guess you won't be needing the clothes then?" He says.

"Yea,I guess" I mumble "How old are you?" "I'm 14 by the way." I say.

"Oh really!" "I am only 15 so you are only a year younger!" He says.

"Yeah!" "Oh, and I know this is random but has your dad abducted other people and how do I get out of this mess!?" I ask.

"Whoa Kenz!" "Slow
down with the questions and no my dad hasn't abducted other people." "You are his first and last hopefully." "I can help you through this." "I'll always be on your side!" "I mean I don't really know you but we're friends now I guess?" He says.

I smile as he had used my nickname kenz. He sounded so cute and comforting when he said it! And he asked if we are friends.
"Yes totally!" I say.

"So what do you want to do or talk about?" "Before my dad comes back." "Oh, and one more thing my dad will be considering you his girlfriend." He says.

I stare at John in sadness and anger. I realize my emotions had got the best of me and a tear started dripping down my face. How could all this drama happen so fast in one night! First my mom and now this!
John gives me hug and says that everything will be okay. I feel much better but that anger still lingers. I look up at John and ask him... "Can I tell you something?"

"Yes!" "Of course, what is it?" He says.

Another a tear falls from my face as I croak out my words.
"Well um, before I ended up here I just wanted to say that my mom beat me up and abandoned me in the closet of the apartment complex." He stares at me in empathy.

"I am so so so sorry" He says. "If their is anything I can help you with just tell me." "Okay?" He says.

"Okay." I respond.

"Now before my dad comes why don't we go back to his room." He says. I nod and ask him what his dad is going to do to me.
"Well my dad never has told me much but he always talks about how one day he'll get his hands on some girl who will obey him and live his fantasy life." He says.

"Which is?" I ask.

"Well he believes once he is in a relationship everything will go his way and no excuses." "Which I find really horrible and stupid." "Well I guess I better go before he comes." "See ya! He says.

"Bye!" I say. He winks at me and in an instant I can hear the sound of the keys moving in the front door...

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