The Kiss-Chap.11

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Trigger Warning & Mature Content ⚠️
Kenzie's POV
Dale grabs my arm and takes me to the back of the room. I nervously walk with him. I am so afraid right now and not only that but,John has to watch the whole thing! I want to cry so bad but then Dale will hurt me more. Dale picks me up, and puts me onto the bed and he rips off my clothes! Leaving me in only a underwear and a bra. He holds me down a takes scissors from off the bed and starts cutting my hair. A tear streams down my face and he notices. I immediately regret crying.
I don't respond
He then takes a small but very sharp knife and starts cutting at my leg.
"AGGHHH!" I scream. The pain was so unbearable.
Dale then stops cutting me and picks me up. I catch a glance at John and he looks terrified. I feel so bad!
Dale throws me onto a metal bed and I simultaneously feel the excruciating pain of the metal burning me. Dale picks me up once again and I wince because he is touching my burnt back.
The next thing that Dale does is unthinkable and I never want to go through ever again. Dale takes a knife and starts cutting me down there. I cry as I am in so much pain. I wanted this to be over! Dale stops cutting me and throws me in the front of the room.
"I'll be back!" he says. Happily smiling.
He leaves and I just start balling my eyes out as I am ashamed and in so much pain.
"Why me?!" I scream.
John immediately runs up to me and hugs me. As soon as his arms touch my back the pain worsens. I try to play it off like I am fine.
He makes me feel so comforted when things go wrong. I loosen my hold on John when I think he is done hugging me. But, surprisingly isn't. He finally let's go after awhile and does the unexpected. I can feel his breathing on mine as he is only a few centimeters away from my face. He leans in and kisses me and I kiss back in awe. We pull away and just stare into each other's eyes. I mean sure we don't know each other that well but in a way we do... And if I ever get back to school what will Mark think? Speaking of Mark I wonder what all my friends are up to.
John's POV
I lean into Kenzie and I am only a few centimeters away from her face. I kiss her... She has soft, red lips that just want to make you melt. I stare into her dark brown eyes as I think to myself. I think I love Mackenzie Frances Ziegler. All of a sudden I hear the door start to open. Kenzie and me immediately pull apart hands and walk to the opposite sides of the room. My dad walks over to me and says.
It's your turn.
I look at him in confusion because I wonder what he could possibly do to me and wasn't I not supposed be tortured but I decide not to question. And I am also happy Kenzie didn't get tortured twice. My dad punches me and picks me up. He throws me onto the same bed that Kenzie had been tortured on. He takes a whip with hooks and starts whipping me.
This is what you get for disobeying me! He says.
He picks me up and throws me in the entrance of the room. He walks over to kenzie and whips her a few times with the whip. My dad happily leaves and closes the door. I run over to Kenzie and embrace her in my arms again. I hate seeing her in this state.
John you are bleeding! she says.
"I know but you are in worse condition." "You should sit down." I say.
"No." "I will look around for bandages!" "Please!" She says. But before she is able to walk anywhere I grab her arm and say.
"Do you really think I am gonna let you walk around?" "I don't want you to get hurt again!" "Oh and also I doubt that there will be any medicine considering that this is a room for hurting people."
I look into her eyes.
Okay. she says.
I walk around the room and all I find is Kenzie's clothes in a drawer. I look for some kind of medicine and all I find is rubbing alcohol. I go back to where kenz is at.
"There is not any medicine." "But, here are your clothes." I tell her.
Okay thanks. She says as she puts her clothes back on.
Kenzie and I sit on the floor and we just wait for what seems like hours. Soon enough Kenzie is resting on me. I fall asleep an hour later, scared about the day ahead.
End of Chapter!
Hope you enjoyed.
Warning: This story contains content that might trigger people. There will also be a little bit of sexual activity. No hate please. If you do not like that type of content then I recommend a different story. Thank You!

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