Torture Room-Chap.10

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  Dale's POV
I can't believe those kids are stupid enough to come up with a plan! Let alone fool me. I will never be fooled, so today John and Kenzie are going to get what they deserve for disobeying me. I walk over to the cellar where they are hidden and little do they know that this isn't in the apartment. I take out my key to open the door and I walk in.
Kenzie's POV
John and me stay quiet as we hear the door start to open. Dale enters the room and surprisingly doesn't lock the door behind him. He starts walking over to John and takes the handcuffs off of him. He grabs John's arm and walks over to me. Dale slaps me in the face.
"OUCH!" I scream as he smirks.
He takes the handcuffs off of me and puts bags over both of our heads. He carries John and me out of the room.
"Let us out!" John screams.
"Oh Shut Up!" Dale says as he slaps John.

Dale throws both of us in this very big room. He then locks the door and leaves us. I pull off the bag from my head and then notice that we are probably not the in apartment. John and I share confused looks.
"I wonder where we are because this is definitely not the apartment." I say
"Yeah, let's look around." He says as he gestured for me to come look around with him.
I look around and there is a wall filled with whips and other devices. I check the drawers and I couldn't believe what I found...
"John look at this!"I say.
"Omg that's awful!" He says.
The drawer had condoms, lube,thongs,and sex toys. It was absolutely disgusting to think of the things that Dale was or had been doing.
"Kenzie take a look at this." John says from the other side of the room. There was a bed with different types of scissors, knifes, and sharp objects laid on top of the bed.
"OH MY GOD!" I said. "This is so scary!"
"Geez I knew my dad was bad but not to this extent." John says.
Before we could look around more we hear the sound of the door. We quickly run to the entrance were Dale had thrown us and sit there. Dale walks in and shuts the door. He has this broad smile across his face.
"So John!" he says as his grin fades away. "You thought you could fool me!" "I knew about your plan that whole time and you thought that I didn't know you have been talking to Madison!" He starts walking closer and closer to John. He grabs John by the shirt and starts screaming at him. "YOU STUPID FUCKED UP BRAT!" "I TOLD YOU TO NEVER TALK TO MADISON AND SINCE YOU HAVE NOT FOLLOWED MY ORDERS, YOU SHALL SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!" Dale screams.


"Madison please don't do it!" John says.

I wince when John calls me Madison but I know he is only doing this to protect our sanity. But I cannot let John suffer.
Dale grins when I say this. Okay! he says. Because of what I had just said, I realize that I will get tortured twice!
End of Chapter

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