The Fake Reunion- Chap. 3

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Kenzie POV
My mom opens the car door as I get out of the car.

"Mom, what time does this reunion end?"

"Ummmm...9:45 p.m. ish." Melissa says.

"Okay??" I say.

At this point I don't what to think because I don't see any relatives or any family? I turn towards Maddie to ask her why I don't see any family. Then I realize Maddie isn't with us anymore! That is weird because she walked into the building with us or at least I thought?!

"Mom, where is Maddie?" I ask.

"Erm uh Maddie... oh um Maddie right um.. she went to the restroom." "Yeah!" "The restroom!" She says.

I realize my mom is acting kinda strange. Huh that is weird.

"Okay where are we going or should we wait for Maddie?" I ask.

"Oh Honey!" "Don't worry about Maddie she can manage the elevator on her own!" She says.

HONEY! My mother never ever has called me honey a day in my life, only when I was a baby. And she is acting all strange about Maddie, something must be up. But, I am not going ask her though since she is in such a great mood for once in my life.

I enter the big, old, dirty elevator and reach my hand out to push the button to level four, as mom had said to. I realize that all the buttons have this gross looking dirt on the rims of each button, but I decide to proceed to press it anyway. As we get higher in the building I notice the elevator makes very loud squeaking noises, which seriously needs to be fixed and it scared the shit out of me! I realize that something doesn't add up here and I feel like my mother is up to something no good...
After being so easily scared, I totally forgot about Maddie! I look up to see how close we are to level 4 but we are only on level 2! Geez, this elevator is slow. 

"Mom?" "What happened to Maddie and don't you think she would've called you by now?"

"OH MY GOD MACKENZIE!" She screams so loud I think the elevator shook a little. "What did I say about not questioning me?!" "And I also said Maddie fucking Ziegler can manage on her own!!" "God kids these days, they never learn!"

I stare at my mom in shock because of the derogatory term used towards me. I mean, that doesn't mean that I am not used to it. But, mom was all nice to me and now she is screaming?  I wonder what happened. I decide not to say anything anymore.

"Honey?" "Mom says. I am so sorry!" "I didn't mean to scream at you like that!" "I feel so bad!" "Please Forgive Me." She says.

"I forgive you" I say.
I say that in shock. It's not like I will ever forgive her, after all she has put me through! But I just don't understand her odd behavior... Little did I know what was about to happen next...and the reason as to why my very own mother was so happy and excited... no wonder she treated me so kindly(because that was the last day I would ever see her again..)

Hope You Enjoyed
I will be out of the country and might not be able to update as often. Xoxo-Author

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