Saved- Chap.12

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John's POV
It is 1 A.M. and I have just woke up from a short sleep. I look to my side and Kenzie is resting on my chest. I take a second glance at her and notice that she is absolutely covered in blood! But the issue of it is that their is nothing I can do about it. I quietly walk over to door to check if it is locked and to my surprise it isn't! I almost instantly come up with an idea! Maybe Kenzie and Me could escape but, the issue is Kenzie might not trust me. I look around the room for some type of bag and I find a body sized duffel bag and put Kenzie into it. Kenzie must've been really tired because she isn't waking up, so I check her for a heartbeat or some type of breathing. And luckily she is alive, after all she is losing a lot of blood. I leave the room and make it out of the building.
"Where am I going to go?!" Wait I know where we could go to... there are many places in L.A. My thoughts are interrupted my someone calling my name.

"John!?" "Is that you?"
The person says. I think it is my dad for 5 seconds but it sounds more like a feminine voice. I turn around...
I scream. I am in so much shock right now. I wonder if she will let me stay at her house. I can't believe that I have finally found my mother! I also wonder where she was coming from.
"Yes it is me." she says. "I was actually about to run to the store, but I realized it was you!"
I run over to her and give her a very awkward hug.
"Where is your...father...?" She asks.
"Well about that." "It is a VERY long story but I escaped." I say.
"What do you mean escaped?" she asks.
"Well my dad has been using women and girls." "Ever since you left he has abused me and everyone else around him." I say. "I actually have proof." I realize that Kenzie is still in the bag!

"OH MY GOODNESS!" "John!" "You have to stay with me." "I can't let you be with that dirtbag anymore!" She says.

"Thank You so so much, Meredith!" I say.

"Oh and you can call me mom!" She says.

"Okay...Mom" "I will show you the proof when we get to the house." I say.
I am so happy right now. I think that this is the best day of my life!

Kenzie's POV
I wake up to feel someone walking and I am in a bag! I wonder if Dale is taking me somewhere? All of a sudden I hear John talking to someone! I think it is his mom! OMG I am finally saved! I feel this very sharp pain on my leg! It hurts so bad! I will just walk out of bag when we get inside the house. Hopefully I will get medicine.
John's POV
We get inside the house and my mom shows me around. She shows me my room and I walk in and put the bag on the floor. I am surprised Kenzie hasn't said anything yet. To my surprise Kenzie walked out of the bag.
"Hey!" She said. I can tell she is in pain although she looks very happy.
"Hi." "So I am guessing you know where we are!" I ask. I look at Kenzie and she is still covered in blood.

"Yup!" "Hahaha." She says. I have never seen Kenzie so happy. Ever.
"I am going to introduce you to my mom."I say. " are blood."
"Oh My God!" she says.
She quickly runs over to the mirror and examines her body. Their is blood stained on her jeans and bruises on her arms.
"I wondering if you lift the back of my shirt so I can see my back?" she asks.
"Okay." I say.
Their is a huge burn covering her entire back. She winces in pain when I touch her back.
"Ouch!" she says.
"Sorry!" I say.
"I can ask my mom to get you medicine." I say.
"Omg please!" "My back is sore and my cuts are excruciatingly painful." She says. She gives me a big hug and I can feel the connection we share together. I feel the electricity spark throughout my entire body.
We go downstairs and I introduce Kenzie to my mom.
"Hey mom this is Kenzie...(the conversation goes on)
"Oh dear!" My mother says. "You need to rest! "I can't believe everything that you've been through!" "Oh and also you are covered in blood!" My mom says. My mom runs out of the room and goes to get something.
She comes back with a few medicines.
"Here is one for burns and cuts." She says. "And here is another to disinfect cuts." She hands them to Kenzie.
"Thank You!" Kenzie says as she walks back to the room. I follow her to the room.
"Do you need any help?" I ask
"Sure. "I was wondering if you could apply the medicine to my back."she says.
I walk over to the bathroom and grab a few cotton balls. I lift Kenzie's shirt and apply the burn solution. I feel kinda awkward doing this.
She puts her shirt back on and all of sudden kisses me. It takes me awhile to kiss back, but soon enough I do. The kiss turns into a make out session and she pushes on the bed and continues kissing me.
Pretty soon we are interrupted my the sound of my mom calling me.
"John!" "Come downstairs, I have to tell you something!" She yells.
Kenzie gets off of me.
"I will stay up here if that is okay." Kenzie says. I look at the bed and notice that the bed is now smeared in blood.
"Omg Kenzie!" "Look at the bed!" I say.
Oh No... I'm sorry. I will probably change my pants anyway and I am in A LOT of pain. she says
"I will ask my mom for a new bed spread." "And also you might need to see a doctor." I say as I walk downstairs.
"John!" "I have news!" "I am keeping you here and your...father... will be arrested." "I have been trying to find you for years." She says.
I stare at my mom in shock and happiness.
"But what about Kenzie?" I ask.
(I really wouldn't want to date my sister that would be so wrong.)
"Mom?" "What will happen with Kenzie?" "And mom we barely know each other since you left." I ask

"Well first of all we can keep Kenzie here for a little bit until we figure out what we are going to do with her." "And also I don't think I told you but your not the only kid I had with your father." "I actually have another kid that lives here." "And we can get to know each other, after all I am your mother." She says.

"Okay that works." I say as I leave the room.
"Oh and John you will be going to school in 3 months because I want to give you and Mackenzie time to recover." She says.
"Oh mom I just remembered!" "Do you have any bed sheets for upstairs?" I ask.
"Umm...yea?" "why?" My mom asks.
"Well Kenzie kinda got blood on the sheets." I say as my mom hands me bed sheets.
"If you need anything, tell me!" "Okay!" she says.
Kenzie's POV
John walks out of the room to go see what his mom wants. As soon as he does this I look down and notice that a lot the blood is coming from jeans. I can still feel the cuts sting on the bottom half of my body. The pain is so unbearable! I walk to the bathroom and grab the medicine. I apply the medicine to all my cuts, I sit on the toilet and once I am done using it. I look in the toilet and notice blood in my underwear and in the toilet.
"Great!" "I am on my period."
I take a wad of toilet paper and put it in my underwear. I realize that my pajamas are in the room, so I make a run for it. As soon as I do this John walks in... I stand there and he just stares at my body. I run back into the bathroom in embarrassment.
John's POV
I reach the bedroom and all of sudden I notice Kenzie standing there! With her pants and underwear off! I notice her blood stained legs.
"OH MY GOD!" "Kenz!" I yell.
She immediately runs back into the bathroom.
I act like nothing ever happened.
Kenzie's POV
Oh my gosh! I can't believe that just happened. I quickly put my pajamas on. I apply some medicine to my cuts. They sting so bad! Plus not only that, but I have to deal with my period. I walk back into the bedroom to go ask John's mom for some tampons or pads. But, I come face to face with John.
"So, Kenzie are you okay?" He asks.
"Yeah." I say nervously looking at him.
"No something is wrong." "You know you can tell anything." he says.
"Fine. You wanted to know!" "I'm on my period and I'm so happy about it!" I say. (note:sarcasm)

"Oh I'm so sorry." "If their is anything you need just talk to me." He says as he smiles at me. "Oh by the way I have to tell you something, my mom is adopting me and she said that you will be staying here with us for maybe a few months or years." "Until we figure something out." He says.
"OMG!" "Really!?" "That is awesome!" I say.
I give John a hug and go downstairs.
"Hey!" "Ms. Orlando I was wondering if I could ask you something?" I say.
"Sure!" "Anything you need!?" She asks.
"Well I actually was wondering if we could go buy some pads or tampons?" I ask. "And also I might need to see a doctor." I say.
"Oh honey!" "We can go buy you some tomorrow!" "How does that sound and for now I can lend you some." she says. "I can also call first care so they can take a look at those cuts!" She says.
"okay." "Thank You!" I say. She hands me a bunch of pads. I go upstairs. John is lying on the bed with his earbuds in listening to music. I wish I had a phone.
I go into the bathroom and do my nighttime routine, I get in the bed next to John and he puts his arm around me and pecks me on the lips. I smile. I don't know what we are,if we are bf/gf or something complicated. But we are definitely more than friends.
End Of Chapter:
Hope you enjoyed!
This was very long and I know it was kind of cheesy but just try to brace yourselves. What do you think Kenzie and John are? #Jenzie
Comment Down Below!

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