The Abductors Antics- Chap. 5

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Kenzie's POV
I wake up to feel this pounding pain in my head. I look around and I can't see a thing. My memory soon enough comes back to me and I realize what Melissa had done to me! I quickly search the walls for some kind of light switch and I find it! The lights turn on and I am in this musty gross looking room in a old apartment complex. I think to myself and "What is Mark going to think happened to me!?" "I was supposed to be going on a date with him tomorrow!" "It's not like I can get my phone!" "Melissa destroyed it!" Unless I find a way out I don't know what to do. My thoughts stop has the pounding in my head slowly comes back and I drift into a long deep sleep...
Abductors POV
I am sitting in my apartment room on level four and I hear noises coming from down the hall! "What is going on!?" I look over to John(Johnny Orlando) my son.
"I don't know?!" "I heard screaming from down the hall earlier." He says.

"Really!" "Who or what did it sound like!?" "Could you hear what they were saying?" I ask.

"It sounded like a girl... a teenage girl!" "Oh no dad" "I know what you're thinking!" "You've been wanting to do this for so long since you have always wanted the perfect wife." "No Dad please don't do it!" He screams.

A smirk wipes across my face as I feel that this is my chance! To finally take control and to have someone in my life!
"Yes!" "I will do it!" I am your father and I expect you to listen to me!" "I am not mad son, I just want to be happy!" "And just so you know if it is a woman or girl whatever, you will not consider her your sister and if you tell her anything that will put my plan at stake, I will kick you out!" I say.

"Fine dad." "Do whatever you like but don't expect me to help when the cops come." He says.

"Um what cops, there will be no cops involved!" I yell.

"Okay whatever!" He screams.

I go to my room and pack a few things. I pack a small bag with a whip Incase she disobeys me and and a sleeping drug so she falls a sleep if she isn't already. And lastly I pack a key to the attic. I leave the apartment and head to the very end of the hall. I come to a stop and unlock the door quietly. I see this gorgeous young girl with brown eyes. She has the perfect body, just what I wanted as a girlfriend...
End of Chapter

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