Captured-Chap. 9

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Kenzie's POV
John just got off the phone with Dale. I am so worried that Dale might know what we are up to but I will just do as John says."Hey John, do you think this plan will work?" I ask.
"Yes!" It should he says. "And you know what, if it doesn't then I promise I'll try my best to get you out of this mess." He says as he gives me a reassuring look.
"Okay." I say as I look into his emerald green eyes. John tells me to hide in his clothing hamper. I give him a confused look and he tells me to just do it. The next thing u know the clothing hamper wasn't really a clothing hamper. He told to open a small door and to my surprise there was this attic, I entered...
Soon enough John asked if everything was alright. I said yes and he went ahead and locked the door. Everything is dark and I can't see a thing, and the next thing I know I feel a hand go over my mouth and the other hand grab me. I tried to scream but the hand didn't help any.
John's POV
Kenz enters the small attic and I lock the door. I sit on my bed a wait for my dad to get home. I realize what time it is and I open the attic quickly but quietly. I enter and what I see next is unbelievably scary. I see my dad on floor lying on top of Kenzie and kissing her EVERYWHERE! I run over to my dad and punch him in the face hopefully able to knock him out, but I was wrong.
Kenzie screams, JOHN NOOO!
The next thing I know everything goes black.
Kenzie's POV
I wake up in a room hand cuffed to the wall. I can't believe Dale knew about our plan the whole time. I look around and realize John is here too. "Hey...John....." I say.
"Hi." "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about last night." He says.
"That's okay." I say "But for now I am worried about where we are and what is going to happen." I stare at John in fear and he looks terrified as well.

"Well I have never seen this room," he says. "I am just extremely scared, my dad has done really bad things to his "girlfriends" in the past." He says.

"Wait a minute, you mean to tell me that he has done this to other girls because he was rejected by women his age!" I say.

"Yes and I can't believe that I am actually his son "the mistake" as he calls it. John says.

"What do you mean mistake?" "Oh and what happened to your dads other "girlfriends?" I ask.

"Well by mistake I mean..." He says.

I can tell John is afraid to tell me. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I say.

"That is just it, for this to make sense I do!" He says.
"So it started when my dad was in high school and he started dating this girl and eventually they did the dirty and had me at age 16." "The lady left my dad and me." "I was only 6 years old when she left me." "That left my dad in anger and so he always puts me as the blame for his faults." He says.

I stare at John in sympathy because I so felt bad for everything that has happened. "I am so so so sorry." I say.
"No need to apologize and also you asked me earlier what dad did to his "girlfriends"." "Well about that...they are still in this apartment." "But, they are locked up and hidden." He says.

"Omg!" "That is awful!" I feel so bad.

"And the strange thing about it is that you are the first girl that I have actually met." "I have seen my dad use and abuse so many girls that I started to just lock myself up in my room the majority of the day, not to mention the fact that my dad stopped sending me to school." "Because he is so preoccupied in finding "the one girl" for his pleasure and liking." "Oh and another thing." "What I don't understand, is why my dad has never been arrested or found by the cops." He says.

"Yeah!" "Your dad should be arrested for life!" "I hate him so much!" I say. All of a sudden we are stopped mid conversation by the sound footsteps coming near the door. My anxiety level is very high as I am afraid of what Dale is going to do to us.
"John omg!" I say as I am worried.

"Shhhh we don't want him to know we are talking." John says.
End of Chapter!
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