Fun Surprises- Chap. 13

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⚠️Caution⚠️ Mature Themes and Might Trigger
Kenzie's POV
It is 4 A.M.
I have been waking up throughout the night because I am not used to sleeping without any disruptions. I don't think I have ever slept this well in a long time. I wake up in the bed next to John and I notice that both of his arms are wrapped tightly around me. I face him and wrap my arms around him trying not to wake him up. As soon as I do this I feel someone kiss me on the lips and I slowly kiss back. I open my eyes and stare into his emerald green eyes. He smiles at me and I kiss him once again but for longer this time. His grip gets tighter on me as if he never wants to let go. I slowly drift off into a deep sleep.
It is currently 8 A.M
I wake up.(once again) For the 4th time today. Thankfully I am actually getting out of bed this time.
I sit up in the bed and hear the shower going. I realize that it is John.
"I guess I'll have to wait to use the bathroom." I say to myself. But the problem is I can't wait because if I do I will leak blood everywhere. I walk into the bathroom, luckily there is a shower curtain.
"Kenzie?" "Is that you in here?!" John asks.
"Oh yeah it is me!" "I hope that is okay?"
"Um..Yea it is fine!" He says.
I sit down on the toilet and put on a fresh pad. As soon as I get up from the toilet the shower turns off and I quickly wash my hands. I get out before anything awkward happens.
I sit on the bed and turn on the tv.
I flip through the channels and nothing seems that interesting. John suddenly walks in with a really cool outfit on.
"Where did you get such nice clothes?" I ask.
"My mom gave them to me because remember how she said that she had been looking for me for years." "Well she had actually bought them for me hoping that she would find me one day." "She bought tons of sizes!" "She actually has a closet filled with them." He says.

"Oh cool." I say as I sadly look at him. I really wish I had nice clothes. Maybe when we go shopping I can ask Meredith.
John notices how sad I am and sits on the bed and gives me a hug.
"So what exactly are we?" I ask.
"What do you mean?" John looks at me in confusion.
"I mean our relationship." "We are always kissing and talking to each other like we have some type of spark." I say.
"Ohh." "Well, what do you think this is because..." He says.
He pauses as if he is nervous.
"Because what?" I say.
"Will you be my girlfriend, Mackenzie Frances Ziegler!?" John asks.

I look at him in shock and happiness.
"YES!" I say gladly.
He gives me a kiss on the lips. And me and him make out on the bed. Once we are done I get out of the bed and tell John that I need to get ready.
I walk over to the bathroom and realize that I don't have any clothes to wear and my outfit from yesterday is probably in the wash.
"Hey John, I don't have any clothes to wear." I say as I walk out of the bathroom.
I can ask my mom if she has any clothes for you. He walks downstairs and I wait.
John comes upstairs with a pile of clothes in his arms.
"These are all the clothes that my sister doesn't want." "By the way, my mom has a daughter and her name is Lauren." "She is 14." John says as he hands me the clothes. I go into the bathroom and take a shower. I apply medicine to my cuts and do my regular morning routine. I try on the clothes and surprisingly they fit perfectly.
I walk downstairs and eat breakfast. Which tasted amazing. As I am sitting in the kitchen, I eat the last of my pancake and ask Ms.Orlando "When we will go shopping?"
Ms. Orlando says we can go after she gets ready. So I go upstairs and tell John that we are going to the store. Me and John walk downstairs and wait for her to get ready.
"Your mom has been taking awhile to get ready." I say.
"Yeah, my mom has always been like that." "I remember when I was kid she took 2 hour showers." John says while laughing.
"Hahahahah!" "That's crazy and not to mention a waste of water." As soon as I say this Ms.Orlando walks in the kitchen.
"Okay kids, let's go." She says. Ms. Orlando walks to the car and we follow.
John and me sit in the backseat of the car. I take the seat in the middle and he takes the window.
The car ride is surprisingly extremely short, the grocery store was only a few blocks away.
Ms.Orlando pulls up the car by 2 stores not to mention the mall right beside them.
So we are going to go to Target first and then the mall. Ms. Orlando says.
Me and John get out of the backseat of the car and walk to Target. Once we get inside Ms. Orlando says that we can get whatever we want and we don't have to worry about paying! I walk over to the Makeup section and pick out a few products. I pick out different eyeshadows, concealer, foundation, highlighter, Lip stick and an eyebrow kit. I don't want to buy too much stuff because that wouldn't be very nice of me considering I'm not paying for it. I then make my way to the feminine products and pick out the stuff I need. I find Ms. Orlando and put my stuff in the cart.
Is that all!? Surely, you need more stuff! Ms.Orlando walks over to the makeup and toiletries section and asks if I am sure that I don't want anything else.
"I mean I guess I might need some toiletries." I say.
That's what I thought! Ms.Orlando says.
I buy some facial soap, moisturizer, body soap, shaving cream(for my legs) and toothpaste that I prefer more than the one Ms. Orlando gave to me. And a toothbrush. I also make sure to grab some acne ointment because I have been breaking out and lastly face mask.
We leave the makeup section and go look for John. Whilst looking for him, Ms. Orlando asks me if I have a phone.
"Um.. No." I say. I hesitate to answer because I will feel bad if she buys me one.
Well then, we can buy one in the apple store! How does that sound?! She asks.
"Okay!" "Thank You so much!" I say.
No problem! she says.
We find John in the snack section. And once he is done looking, we pay for the stuff and leave.
We put the stuff we bought in the car and walk over to the mall. This mall is big! I spot a bunch of stores that Melissa would never let me go to.
You guys can go wherever you want! I'll pick you guys up around 11:00 A.M. and also before I leave I'm going to check out the apple store. Ms. Orlando hands us each $500.
Me and John first head over to Adidas and I leave with Adidas SuperStar Shoes, and some Adidas Slides.

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