Chapter 16- Sweetly Unforgettable Things

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Kenzie's POV
I wake up from a good sleep and John is awake beside me.
"How are you feeling, babe?" He asks.
I smile because I love it so much when he calls me babe. It makes me feel comforted.
"Much better!" I say, with a smile on my face.
I feel great and my sore throat is almost gone. I put my head on John's chest and pick up my phone. I go through all my messages and respond. Luckily, Mark hasn't been bothering me.
"So what do you want to do today?" "We can watch a movie?" John asks.
"Sure." "I'm down to watch a movie." I say.
John picks up his phone and looks for a good movie to watch.
"How about we just watch something on Netflix?" I ask.
"Okay." John says. He turns on the tv and goes through all the choices. We pick the movie." We started to watch the movie After. Mid movie john leaned towards me and kissed me passionately on the lips. It came to me, I'm in love with john. My feelings started to rush out as I slowly started to kiss him more. He started to rub my back, the scars had healed by now and I no longer felt pain. He gestured almost asking for consent. This was it. I wanted it just as badly as he did. He was gentle and he slowly stuck his hands under my shirt almost as if I was fragile. We started to lay down and he kissed me all over and took the back of his hand a softly laced his hand from my face to hips. I took off my shirt and I was no longer embarrassed. I had no reason to be and he felt my chest. He kissed them without hesitation. I felt the electricity between us while I unbuttoned his shirt...

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