22: Explain Yourself

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Bruce paced in front of his workbench while Tony tried to hit him with blueberries that he launched from his own workbench.

He missed almost every time, seeing as Bruce was a moving target and Tony had no targeting system.

I sat opposite Bruce, playing with a screwdriver. At least, I think it was a screwdriver, but with Tony it could've been a car for all I know.

Peter sat beside me, occasionally getting hit by blueberries and eating them, offering them to me, and I refused politely.

I had requested that Bruce explain himself in non-science like terms, so he was pacing as he figured out how to do so.

"Okay," he started. "The sandy substance from your abilities actually swirls around your brain when you're not using it. It is contained in the tiny space of your brain-"

"Hey!" I protested. "I don't have a tiny brain!"

"That's right, you don't have one period," Tony muttered, sticking his tongue out slightly in concentration as he threw yet another blueberry at Bruce.

It hit Bruce right on the forehead, and he gave Tony a slight glare.

Peter's head snapped up, he made a tsk noise at Tony and returned to his homework.

"Anyway," Bruce growled. "Your sandlike stuff is contained in your head, in your skull, and it passes down through your bloodlines and materializes in front of your hands, but in the mighty strain it puts on your brain, it created a tumor. So I removed that, but with the sandy stuff in your brain it made it very hard to do so. So, I had to have you asleep for a very long time, mostly because it nearly killed you. After you were healthy enough I removed the tumor, and then you had yet more recovery time."

I sat completely still on the stool, hardly blinking at all. Peter looked between me and Bruce in mortification. "Wait, she had a TUMOR?!"

Tony had ceased tossing blueberries to stare. "Why wasn't I informed that my Assassin Baby had a tumor?!"

I swallowed hard. "I guess being mad at you was a very bad thing to do."

Bruce smiled grimly. "It's alright. But Ms. Maximoff and Ms. Romanoff only found out recently. They also thought, just like everyone else, that you were in a coma of your own accord."

I dropped the screwdriver, or whatever it was, "I have someone to apologize to," I murmured, jumping off the stool and brushing past Tony, who threw blueberries at the back of my head.

I ran up the stairs, passed Bucky who looked confused, past Steve who looked worried, and passed Loki who stared after me.

Wanda and Tasha were either in Tasha's room or in the gym, so I tried the gym first but found no one and ran back to Tasha's room.

I froze in front of the door. Would she be mad at me? Would she let me apologize?

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