32: A Bit Fast

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Loki walked ahead of me, behind Wanda. Therefore, I was the last in a very intimidating line. And besides that, Loki seemed far more protective when Thor was involved.

"What does he want?" I asked.

Wanda sighed, shrugging. "You're going to have to find out, aren't you?"

I glared at the back of her head.

"Stop glaring at me, I don't know." She turned, winking at me.

She and Loki and the MIND READING.

When both of them came to a halt, I looked uneasily around both of them, seeing Thor standing in front of them with his arms crossed. We mustn't mistake him for an overgrown corgi, cause he is far too scary to be a corgi of any size.

Wanda took on look at him, and immediately booked it.

Loki stood up even straighter. "Can I help you?"

Thor looked irritated. "Do you love her?"

Both Loki and I startled, and I stood now to the side of him. "What?" I asked.

Loki held a hand out to signal me not to talk. "Yes."

I felt my cheeks grow hot.

"Do you really?" Thor asked. "If you're lying to me-"

"You won't be able to tell." Loki shrugged. "But I'm not lying. I do love her."

I took a deep, steadying breath that didn't steady me but I still tried.

"Do you love him?" Thor turned to me. His muscles bulged when he had them crossed, and they scared me.

I gulped. "Hell yeah."

The silence in the room could be cut with a knife, it hung so thick over all three of us. Loki was breathing easily, holding his hands clasped behind him, but I had learned the small ticks that reveal when he was actually uneasy. Right now, he was pretty uneasy.

Thor sighed. "I give you both my permission to marry."

I jumped. "Oh whoa now, marriage? That's a bit fast!"

Loki, who had relaxed a great deal, gave me a raised eyebrow. "Is it?"

I withered a bit under the look. "O-okay, in Asgardian standards, maybe not, but for ME, it's a bit fast."

Loki shrugged. "Your choice to be with someone of...Asgardian beliefs."

Thor rolled his eyes. "Your choice to date my brother, an Asgardian-"

"I'm not Asgardian." Loki interrupted Thor with a glare.

"-not his, or mine. So do you accept my permission or not?" Thor finished his sentence without paying Loki's interruption any attention.

"Well, duh." I shook my head at him. "But marriage?"

Loki now frowned at me. "Are you scared?"

I shook my head some more. "No."

"Do you not want to be my Queen?" Loki turned to me with his arms now crossed.

"Oh no, I do!" I rushed to clarify. "Trust me, I do."

Loki nodded, looking smug again. Thor was frowning at us in confusion. "Anyway," he said, taking Loki by the arm. "Why don't you and I walk?"

Loki half-closed his eyes in irritation. "Why don't we just..not."

Thor, however, manhandled him down the hallway while I stood dumbfounded. Wanda peaked around the corner, and tapped my arm. When I didn't move, she stood beside me and peered at my face. "What's the matter, babe?"

I blinked at the hallway Loki and Thor had just disappeared down. "I think I'm getting married."

(Loki x reader) The Evil OneWhere stories live. Discover now