27: Aunt May

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"So, let's start at the beginning, so I don't get confused," Peter started, leaning up against a tree.

I sat cross-legged in the grass in front of him. "Well, apparently Bucky is jealous of Loki."

Peter's big brown eyes widened. "Oh shit."

I nodded exasperatedly. "I know. And that means Loki will be jealous too, which means he'll be mad, which means he'll be mean, which means-"

"Whoa whoa whoa, slow down," Peter held out his free hand, sliding onto his butt in the grass. His other hand held his ice cream. "Don't get yourself worked up."

I stared at his checkered shirt. "I was in love with Bucky once. But...Loki is different. He's also dangerous, but he's a god. He's a trickster, he's dark. That's how they're similar. They're both victims of something."

Peter sidled closer till our knees touched. "Which one do you love the most?"

I sighed, and looked into his eyes. "I don't actually know."

Peter gave me a grim smile, taking my free hand. "I'm sorry." He squeezed my hand softly.

"Me too baby," I muttered.

"Should I be concerned about this?"

The silky voice didn't belong to Peter. It sure as hell didn't belong to me. It did belong to the tall, dark figure beside the tree.

The one that appeared out of thin air.

I looked up, into the slender face of Loki, who's green eyes bored down on both me and Peter.

Peter scrambled behind me.

I felt a bit sorry for him. "Concerned about what?" I asked.

Loki leaned against the tree like Peter had done. "About young Parker. Or perhaps," Loki gave a faux shrug, "Mr. Barnes."

Peter swallowed hard.

"Neither," I said shortly. "Peter's too young, and I'm in love with you. Not Bucky."

"Actually," Loki said quickly, but nonetheless snippily, "you're not certain."

His accent had become clotted and strong, which happened when he got mad.

Of course, sometimes I liked how it sounded.

Other times it meant nothing good. "Look, it's complicated. Surly you'd understand that."

Loki tilted his chin upward. That only made him look taller and more snooty. "Well, darling, being conflicted is a difficult thing, no?"

This was a trap. Where was this leading? "Yyyyyeeeessss?" I answered uncertainly, and Peter shrank a little further away.

Loki blinked slowly at my dumb answer. "So how do you think we should test which is the better suitor for you?"

Lots of thoughts ran through my head. Not a lot of them were clean. Not a lot of them were very appropriate. "I don't know."

Loki's eyes flashed. They did this when he read my mind. "I think there's quite a few options, no?"

I gulped.

Peter's face was bright red.

"Er-" I couldn't finish my sentence.

Loki nodded slowly. "Let's head back to the compound, shall we?"

Peter stood so fast he jumped three feet into the air.

I stood slowly, not as eager as Parker.

But Loki looked ready to jump three feet in the air as well, despite his calm demeanor.

Which was fake, by the way.

"You better get back to the compound."

Tasha's voice scared the hell out of me, and it reminded me I was wearing a comm still. So in the end, we all jumped three feet in the air.

"Why?" I asked.

All I heard was static.

"Aunt May is here."

(Loki x reader) The Evil OneWhere stories live. Discover now