The Senior Still Loves The Freshman

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Eight years have pasted since the last time I saw Finn.

He never came back home from college. He was too far away and it was too much money.

I didn't mind. I was finally over him, with the help of Derek.

Derek Young was the new kid at our school.

We were in the same grade and had the same classes.

He fell of me as soon as he saw me.

Derek didn't take no for an answer and didn't stop until I went out with him.

After a year of dating him I fell in love with him.

Everyone was happy to see me happy again.

We continued to date after high school and into college.

After college we moved in with each other.

Derek proposed to me a week ago and now we're planning our wedding.

Travis, Chris and I are still close friends. We try and hang out together every chance we get.

Carey and Frank ran away and got married. They have two baby girls together.

I wish them the best.

Kelly and Johnny are still happily married and have two baby boys.

They live close by so I visit every now and then.

Oliver, Jason, Ryan, Gabe, Devin, Britney, Hannah, Morgan and I still talk and hang out.

Everything in my life stayed the same, for the most part.

I just have a new man in my life.

I look back on my freshman year of high school and laugh. I don't have any regrets about it, maybe just lessons learned.



It's out!!

My mom is taking away my computer so I wanted to get it out now.

Hope you liked it beautifuls.

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