Karaoke Time! (Chapter 14)

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"She's dying?!" Amy looks shocked, a slight glint of satisfaction is there but Amy quickly wipes it off.

"Scott and Quill, explain please," Ku turns his attention to the hard drive.

Scott presses the drive and the holograms from his room come out. "I was looking through her health records and saw the dates not matching up with her awakening this time," Scott points to the dates.

"When I realized she wasn't supposed to be up right now, I looked into the effects of the spell casted in her to make her sleep," Scott then points to the spells used on Wysteria to put her to sleep, including their parents. "So, I asked Quill about it."

"I ran them through and found that since someone forced her awake, her body wasn't ready to be awake but she was anyway. This severely damages her body in all," Quill shows Wysteria's health records.

"She's way too old anyway, there's no way she can be alive right now but the spells casted on her slowed her aging. When she sleeps, she stops aging and when she awakens, she ages," Quill points to the spell's information.

"It's like temporary death. Anyway, when I looked closer, her body basically preserves itself while she's sleeping and she started her process of waking up but she was woken up too early..." Quill presses her lips together for a moment.

"Which means some of her cells are still in preserved mode," Amy's mouth opens and she lets out a breath.

"But since her cells are so old, instead of becoming active they die," Ku's brown eyes widen as he understands.

"Exactly. Using spells above Class ten takes a lot of energy and Wysteria is slowly using it. Less cells to preform, more energy used. That burns out her cells from overworking them," Quill shows a sample of Wysteria's cells.

"She's killing herself like this. She's dying," Scott finishes, pushing up his glasses with his middle finger.

"I don't know how I feel about Wysteria dying..." Quill's voice trails off, despite being the one to figure it out.

"Couldn't she recover is she gets put back to sleep?" Red asks.

"No. The more times she wakes up, the more cells are left in preservation mode, and more die," Quill answers. "She was forced awake this time so it has more damage."

"I don't think the Magic Council knows this..." Amy's voice trails off.

"I presented it to them already, they asked if there's a cure or a way to save her..." Scott's own voice trails off this time.

"Is there?" Ku asks for the mass.

"Nope. Like I said, she shouldn't even be alive right now but she is because of the spell. We can't help Wysteria..." Quill bites his lip.

"I want to be the bigger mage but if she can't be saved then I'm seeing this as an advantage," Red claims, his arms crossed with a finger on his lip.

"Does Wysteria know?" Ku asks another questions everyone would rather keep silent about.

"How could she not notice something so big?" Amy questions.

"She can't. She might feel even more tired than usual after casting spells but there's no way for her to know for sure without testing herself," Quill shakes her head.

"Ah, jeez..." Amy presses the bridge of her nose and closes her eyes, arms still crossed.

"We will tell her when she faces us," Ku's grip on his staff tightens. "Now listen closely, we want to avoid losing someone this time. As of right now, the Elemental Masters are at the biggest risk."

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