Not You Again (Chapter 15)

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Last night sprung a lot of conversation for the teens. All of them suddenly aware of the similar fandoms they all shared and them complimenting each other for singing.

Not only that, but they also managed to learn that a lot of the songs have found their way into the Magic World as well. The hot topic of it all being Owen not making eye contact while singing and literally everyone agreed that it was Urana specifically he was avoiding but the two of them brushed it off with 'being shy.'

Amy happily drops all the sheets, pillows and blankets she could find in her apartment. Quill jumps towards the pile but doesn't make it because Red grabs her from her night shirt and pulls her back.

"Unbelievable," Red shakes his head.

"Are you sure this is enough?" Scott questions, separating the contents of the pile.

"Yeah, of course they'll be," Amy pushes her bed to the wall so that there's more space for the four of them.

"Here, lemme help," Red reaches towards the pile and spreads out the sheets. "I bet you were falling off your bed every time."

Amy groans as Quill and Scott laugh, not even trying to hide it.

"Sorry for not being used to sleeping on a bed! I prefer the floor," Amy waves her hand over to the sheets, pillows and blankets spread out. "Like c'mon, we've slept like this for way too long."

"True!" Quill lays down, not so gently, onto her part of the sheets, causing all the other sheets to flick into her siblings' faces.

"I'm too tired to complain," Scott mummers, taking off his glasses and setting them aside on Amy's side table. He pulls the blanket over himself as he faces his siblings while lying down.

"Ya think Sensei's reached his place yet?" Red asks, laying down gently.

"It's not that far, I'm sure him, Alex and Owen got there safe," Amy reassures her worrying older brother. "If Sensei can't defend himself against something then what are you gonna do?"

"She has a fair point," Quill copies Scott and covers everything but her face with the blanket.

"And a very good point at that," Scott mumbles, his eyes dropping slightly.

"You good?" They all ask the sleepy technopath.

"Y-y-Yeah," Scott yawns. "I'm just tired..."

"Well, get some sleep," Amy starts to head towards the light switch.

"Wait, can't we stay up like when we were kids?" Scott asks. "And I can just close the light with my mind, genius."

"You can't do that, you'll drain yourself and then you can't refill till we're back in the Magic World," Amy looks worried.

"What's turning off a light gonna do?" Scott challenges.

"Okay, true, it's not that much," Amy shrugs and takes her place on the floor again.

"Now, you all want to say anything?" Red asks. "Anything to spill..." he specifically eyes Quill.

"Ooo Quill...did you finally decide?" Amy's eyebrows raise in curiosity, leaning in as does everyone else.

"I mean you've been hinting at it for a while now..." Scott grabs his glasses again and grins at Quill.

"Ah! Fine!" Quill throws her hands into the air, smacking the three of them as they reel back and rub their noses. "If you all must know, I dumped the dude." She crosses her arms with a huff.

"Why?!" The three of them look surprised.

"He was an absolute showoff. Not the good one either, turns out he's annoying," Quill shrugs. "And only cared about himself and his image."

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