Chapter Ten - Cole's confession

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Chapter Ten - Cole's confession

Emma's pov

I went with Cole to his house so he could get some clothes and stuff for while he stayed with me. After a bit of packing he said he was all set to go. As we were about to get going someone, I assume Cole's father, came in and looked a bit surprised when he saw us. "Hello son" he said, Cole gave him a cold glare. The next thing I knew Cole was holding a fricken knife to his dad. "COLE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? STOP! PUT THE KNIFE DOWN COLE!" I yelled at him. Was Cole really going to kill his own father? "Why should I?! This stupid son of a bitch deserves to die!!" he said gesturing to his father. "Cole you don't want to do this please just drop the knife." I pleading to him.

I heard him whisperhing to his father "You are a lucky peice of shit you know that? If she wasn't here you'd be a dead man right now" he spat, shaking with anger at his father.

As we were walking home I told Cole "if you went though with that you would have regretted it, knowing someone even your father's death was in your hands. You would have gone to jail." . He shook his head "it would have been worth it though Emma". "You need sleep Cole, this is going to come back to bite you in the ass tomorrow" I say with a small laugh. He groaned " I knowww".

After a while Cole ended up on the bed in the guest room as I was pulling a blanket over him. "Goodnight Cole" I turned to leave. "Emma?"

"Yeah Cole?" I yawned.

"Do you like skater boy?" he growled a little I assume at the thought of Nathan.

"I don't know Cole, it's complicated" I sighed.

"Don't pick skater boy Em, you should be with me" I gave him a confused look. Remember Emma he's drunk so nothing he says matters.

"Come lay with me, please?" Cole's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

I sighed and decided not to fight him and lay on the other side of the master bed, plenty of space between me and Cole. He moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Emma?"

"Yes Cole?"

" I think I'm falling in love with you"

I didn't know how to respond so I just said,

"Goodnight Cole"

He snuggled his face in the crook of my neck and we fell asleep like that.

I saw a side of Cole Stone that night that I had never saw before. I honestly didn't know he had more then one side. His normal, goofy, flirty, bad boyish side. Tonight was different. His green eyes didn't have that normal happy glow in them, they were darker and held so much pain and betrayal for one pair of eyes. His expression was blank but his eyes showed it all. He seemed for the first time since we met, so closed off, so hurt, I honeslty didn't think that it was Cole who showed up at my house that's how strange this was to me. I just wish I knew how to fix this honestly.

Then again, how do you fix a broken Stone?

Honestly thats how I always thought of Cole even though I've only known him a few months, so stone like, nothing ever hurt him. He never got embarrased or cared what others thought. He was always so open. Question is where is the Cole I've been around for the past couple months?

The next morning I decided to make some scrambled eggs and toast for Cole and a cup of coffee. After a few minutes he came down, I heard him trip over Cookie and honestly he looked like the definition of hell. Then again a hangover can be a bitch. "Hey here you should eat something" I said and he sat down at the table "thanks Emma and thanks for letting me crash here I'm sorry for last night though I don't know why I let myself get all worked up" he sighed and took a bite of toast. "It's okay just eat ill go grab you some medicine to take" I turned on my heal and went down the hall to the bathroom and grabbed the head medicine. I went back and gave it to him and he mumbled 'thanks' and put the pills in his mouth and sipped his coffee.

After he finished his coffee and his food he looked much better and kissed me on the head "ready to go?" I nodded "its time for you to meet a big part of my life" we walked out to my beautiful blue convertible and I got in the drivers seat. He chuckled and got in the passengers side "nice car". "Thanks" with that said we drove to school in my shiny like new car.

I checked my locker to see what I had today,





Study Hall


Social Studies


I groaned, I hate having math last it makes the last bit of school drag on forever. The morning consisted of writing poems in ela, awkwardness sitting next to Nathan in science and getting pelted with dodge balls in gym. I grabbed a salad in the lunch line and payed for it then went and sat with the group. During lunch I dragged star away so we could talk. "Okay what's up with you and Max?" , she opened her mouth so I cut her off "and don't you dare try to cover it up its clear you two like each other so why are you guys not together exactly" I raised an eyebrow. She sighed "its complicated em I don't wanna risk a really good friendship getting torn apart cuz we tried something more." star sighed.

"It might work out though come on star you should just go for it you could be even happier then you are now. Just promise me you'll try okay?", she growled "your stubborn Collins but that's why you're one of my best friends". We went back to lunch, I just had to hope my advice wouldn't leave anyone hurt, cuz god knows my words can get me in trouble like with a certain guy with green eyes.


Hey everyone I hope you like this chapter I know I loved writing this one. I think the way I'm planing for the story line then there's 10 chapters left right now. By the way my friends and I are saying I'm from the south right now so I'll talk to ya'lls faces later k? Vote + Comment= Vomment

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