Chapter Sixteen - The first day back

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Chapter Sixteen - The first day back


Emma's pov

Beep! Beep!

I groaned, rolling over to turn off my alarm. I got up and took a shower then got dressed in a red hoodie with blue jeans and black sneakers. I put a black beanie on and memorized my homeroom number. I thought about what today might be like, and for some reason I thought of Cole. After a quick goodbye to Cookie I got in my car and drove to school.

Cole's pov

I got up and got ready for for school not being able to help thinking of Emma the whole time. Was she different because of me? Is Nathan the one who changed her? I thought about this all the way to school and I saw people staring and whispering about something.

" I wonder what she did to make him skip town like that"

" I heard she has him in her house"

were some of the things I heard people whispering. Then I saw Emma, I didn't know where Nathan was so I went over and hugged her. "You okay princess?" I whispered and she nodded. "Come on I'll walk you to your class." I said leading her away from the crowd.

"Why didn't you do anything?" I ask.

"Doesn't matter doesn't fix anything I just try my best to ignore it..." she said ask we walked.

We were silent for a few minutes.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Number one you didn't ask and number two you weren't here to ask" this made me quiet. Did this really start after I left? Damn.

"I'm so sorry Em" I whispered pulling her into a hug and resting my chin on her head.


Later that day after school I saw Emma talking with her friends. I didn't say anything but gently grabbed her forearm and pulled her around the corner of the school so no one could see or hear us.

"Show me you're wrists."

"What?" she asked pulling her sleeves over her hands a little more.

"Show me." I said looking straight into her eyes.

We were maybe a foot apart and she kept backing away from me until her back reached the brick wall.

"Emma" she looked at me through her eyelashes. "Please Emma, just show me.." I insisted.

"Why should I-"

"Dammit Emma" I growled running my hand threw my hair, pulling it a little. "Just show me already or I'll look myself". She held her arms out to me and I gently pulled back her sleeve to reveal a shit load of cuts on from her wrist to her elbow. Some were deeper then others and some newer some older. Holy shit.

"Oh my god Emma, why?"

She looked at me with sad eyes then stared at the floor and barely whispered "you left". That hit me like a fucking bullet. "Princess I'm so sorry, I'm not going anywhere I swear" I whispered putting my forehead to hers "I want to be with you I know that now". She pushed me away "Cole it's too late I'm with Nathan now, you need to just leave me alone" she said walking away. Shit I'm too late, Emma doesn't want me anymore this is awful.

I woke up with my book in front of me and a pencil stuck to my face. Oh thank god it was just a dream. Curse teachers giving us homework the first fucking day. At least Emma's in my classes. I put the dream in the back of my brain and started to finish my work. At some point I need to check Emma's wrists.


Heyyyy guyssss

It's two am I should be sleeping but I'm not.

What's up how are all you're beautiful people doing this fine day or night ??whenever you read this

Super excited cuz this story is getting closer to 700 reads which is crazy to me. I was surprised when I got 100 and going a lil crazy at 500 but I swear if you guys get me to 1,000 I'm gonna end up loosing it cuz honestly I never thought that a story I wrote would make it this far. I don't want to be one of those authors that write super long notes cuz I know it's not as exciting as the story but I just need to say it. Thank you guys so much, if you want more of this story and more to come then please follow me and tell your friends to help me spread the word. Ps should I get a twitter to give information about my wattpad story? yes no maybe?

Thanks again see ya all through the web :)

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