Chapter Eleven - What's best for Emma...

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Chapter Eleven - What's best for Emma...

Cole's POV

The day dragged on as I searched my brain for some memory of what had happened last night. All I knew was a) I had some how ended up at Emma's and b) I was fucking pissed for god knows why. So the question is what the hell happened? At lunch I was barely paying attention till I heard my name. "Right Cole?" Ashton asked, "I'm sorry what?" I asked beyond confused. I was sitting at the lunch table with Max and Ashton. Emma and Star went away to go to the bathroom and chat and what not. "Don't you agree that there's something up with Star and Max?", oh that's what this is about. "Oh yeah of course, hell, a blind man could see those two have something going on" I said rolling my eyes.

"Guys it isn't as easy as making a move, I don't want to loose the friendship we have" Max sighed, "I don't want to mess up what we have by pushing it to be something more". "I wouldn't know dude I'm not one for all the mushy gushy lovey dovey stuff so I wouldn't be any help to you" I ran my fingers through my hair frustrated. After a few minutes of bickering with Max about his love life he decided to try to do something about him and star, and the girls came back some time after that.

Later that day I hopped on my motorcycle after school and started off home. Since my house and Emma's house were off and isolated from everyone else it was a bit of a drive but it was worth it to not have any loud noises around our homes. I was driving not even trying to remember what had happened when it all came flooding back.

The blood.... a pool of her own blood....

My stupid father with the knife tight in his hand...

Emma's house......the crying... the smell of beer. Damned beer.

Then it played in my head..


'Yes Cole'

'I think I'm falling in love with you'

"Fuck!!" I had then been pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of my bike screeching, the last thing I saw were some trees, I heard a loud crash, then everything was dark.


A bright light burned my eyes I was looking at myself but it was like good Cole and bad Cole or something however you want to put it. Let's just say I was looking myself in the face if that makes any sense. "What am I going to do about Emma" I wonder with a sigh, "come on dude you know she doesn't deserve to be sucked into you're little world, she has her whole future to think about. Plus you know she could do way better, you just gotta suck up these feelings and move on. Better yet. Leave, go somewhere far from here for a while so that way she can focus. You my friend are no help to that." he said looking me in the face. "My god I've gone crazy, it finally happened." I say. "No you haven't, you just haven't woken up yet from your bike crash. When you wake up leave as soon as you can, ok?" he asked me. I nodded, "I'm sorry dude but its for the best." with that said he disappeared.

The saddest part was I knew he was right.


After a few days I went home and explained to Emma that I crashed my bike, leaving out the part where I remember what happened while I was drunk of course. It was December and Christmas was coming up. Emma being the sweet kind girl she is, was trying to say it was no trouble for me being there. I knew that was bull though, and I wasn't going to get in her family's way as Christmas grew closer.

A couple of weeks before Christmas I waited for Emma to go in her room. After about an hour I figured she was asleep and I grabbed my suitcases that I had brought to Emma's the night I started staying here. I went and put my bags outside of Emma's room. I stepped in and put an envelope and a box with a blue bow on Emma's nightstand by her bed. I kissed her forehead gently, "sweet dreams princess, and merry Christmas" I whispered. With that said I tip toed out of her room and picked my bags up once again. I walked out the door and put the bags in my car. I got this car last year a few years after owning my bike.

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