Chapter Fourteen - who says you can't have two girlfriends?

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Chapter fourteen - Who says you can't have two girlfriends?

Nathan's POV

I yawned and woke up seeing the most beautiful girl next to me sleeping. Her blond hair falling over her blue eyes. Her name's Izzy and she was a cheerleader junior year and I think she is going to again in senior year I'm not sure I don't really pay attention to the words that come out her mouth. She's hot though that's all that matters. My phone buzzed and I groaned fiddling around to find it. It was Emma, shit she wants me to come over. I groaned and got up and got dressed. "Where are you going natey?" she asked while stretching. Shit. "Oh well my mom needs me to go home and help her with something, but I'll call you later okay babe?" I said smiling and kissed her on the head and she nodded.

I drove off to Emma's house and she opened the door with a smile. "Hey Nathan" she said hugging me. "Hey babe sorry I was helping my mom with something" I said with a smile. "It's okay don't worry about it. Hey you kind of smell like perfume?" she said confused. Crap, wait simple answer to that. "Oh yeah well you know moms being all lovey and stuff she had to hug me before I left." I explained as we sat on the couch. We sat together for a bit talking. "Hey what's this?" Emma asked pointing to my neck. I raised an eyebrow and went and looked in the mirror and saw something I thought I was imagining. Dammit Izzy what's with the hickey? shit. "Oh well you see I got this new snake and he's a bit of a biter so I guess last night when he got out of his cage and bit me it left a mark." I was mentally praying she would buy it. "Oh well you should train it not to bite or something", thank god for that is all I have to say.

I spent the day with Emma and we talked and watched TV and I texted Izzy. I made it clear that I was pissed about the hickey and at first she was confused, so I just said that my mom would be pissed if she saw me with a hickey. God having more then one girlfriend made me have to act like such a momma's boy. Thank god it's a secret that I live alone. Wow wouldn't my mom be disappointed with me lately. I made it seem like I was just texting my mom so later when I said I needed to go I made it seem like my mom needed me. I kissed Emma goodbye and went back over to Izzy's. She tried begging me to forgive her but I was still kinda pissed. I mean come on I can't be letting girls I hook up with leave their mark on me, otherwise it's more likely I'll get caught by one or the other. Gosh this can get so complicated at times.

This is how my whole summer was I'd go back and forth with Emma and Izzy neither knowing about the other. I mean who says you can't have two girlfriends right?



Hey guys sorry this chapter being short but thanks for over 400 reads I'll update sooonnn bye everyone <3

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