Chapter Fifteen - Back to Hell-oops I meant school

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Chapter fifteen - Back to Hell-oops I meant school.

Emma's POV

It was the end of August which meant back to school shopping. My god I don't want to go back and deal with people again. I cringed thinking about it pulling my hoody sleeves over my hands. I looked at myself in the mirror, god how I have changed since when Cole left. I was much skinnier then I use to be, I lifted my shirt up a bit looking at my ribs that were far to noticeable. I looked closer to my face, the horrible bags under my eyes and dark circles all around them. Pale skin, I felt so weak, yet no one noticed, not my friends, my mother or my boyfriend. Even though Cole came back I still had trouble sleeping at night, got few hours of sleep and didn't eat much only a nibble here or there. No one could help me, and no one would ever notice what was wrong with me. I adjusted my black beanie and went to the store to get shopping over with.

Cole's POV

I saw her in the store, most likely back to school shopping I'd assume. Ignoring the blond that was batting her eyes at me I looked over her watching Emma. She was different from when I left, but they were small things. Like she was a bit pale and she was skinnier, her clothes were baggier on her then normal. I had also noticed the darkness around her eyes, yet she was still the most beautiful girl I think I ever saw in my life. I watched her wondering if I should even bother saying hi to her. I want to be with her so badly, I swear it hurts that's how bad. I miss just being with her, hanging out like we use to, I just didn't know how to prove it. I gently brushed my fingers over my cheek remembering when she slapped me a few weeks back. I couldn't help but notice she pulled on the sleeves of her hoodies and long sleeve t shirts a lot.

This isn't the Emma I left in December but it was still the girl I liked and wanted to be with. And I would do anything and everything to prove it to her. I walked over trying to seem as casual as possible "hey Emma" I said when I approached next to her. All I got for a reply was "hi". "Emma are we friends?", "I don't know Cole" she said grabbing a few packs of pencils and pens. "Please" I said getting a bit closer kind of testing the waters. She didn't step away, she wants to be with me deep down I know it. "I guess we could be friends." she said blankly not looking at me. "Great" I smiled and hugged her.

We talked for a little bit until the checkout then we went out and she started walking home. I walked with her and she was smart and put all the stuff she got in the backpack she bought. I grinned and picked her up throwing her over my shoulder and kept walking like nothing had happened. "Cole what are you doing?", "walking" I stated not being able to help but smile while walking. "You're not putting me down are you...", "you're still just as smart as before I see".

When we got to her house I put her down, she laughed a little "thanks for the lift", "anytime". "Hey you wanna maybe hang out today?" she asked. "Sure sounds cool." I said and we went inside. We enjoyed the night talking, playing games and watching movies enjoying the last day of summer before it was time to return to hell also known to be school.

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