Chapter Seventeen - "I'm here for you"

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Chapter Seventeen - "I'm here for you"

Emma's POV

I read one of the many posters in the halls that said :

'Monday - crazy hair/hat day

Tuesday - animal day

Wednesday - geek/nerd day

Thursday - favorite movie/TV character day

Friday - pink day'

Walking out of the school, I thought about possible ideas for next week. Since next week was homecoming we were having spirit week, a picnic and of course our homecoming dance Friday. The school parking lot looked deserted since only my car was left. I walked over and as I was unlocking my car Cole came up to me. Figuring he had walked to school I didn't ask him anything about that. "hey Cole", "hey Em can I see your wrists?". My breathing stopped for a second "why?". "Just, I know Em, I want to know how many times you needed me and I wasn't here". I sighed a little and pulled back my sleeves revealing several cuts. Some lighter then others but none extremely deep. He said nothing for a minute and just stood there, then he took both my arms and kissed my wrists. "It's going to be okay now Em, it's going to get better" he whispered putting his forehead to mine rubbing his thumbs over the many cuts. "Thank you Cole", "for what? knowing you? It's no problem princess. And these" he spoke meaning my cuts, "are apart of who you are, their beautiful because their you. And I want you to walk around not afraid to let them show, if anyone asks about them you simply say 'I was in a battle for a while and these are scars to show I made it through and I am strong enough'. I want you to start eating again too" he said. "How did you-" he cut me off "like I said before I know you, hop in I'll drive".

Then he drove me around town, we got pizza and ice cream and saw a really funny movie. When we got back home I thanked him and he walked to where ever he stays now. Maybe in the future I'll ask him about that.

Monday I went to school with my hair straight and in a braid with purple highlights and wore my rainbow beanie. I saw Cole and he had multiple colors in his hair.

Tuesday was animal day so I attached homemade kitty ears to my black beanie and drew some whiskers on myself. It was quick and simple unlike some people which I think I saw someone in a penguin suit. Cole was wearing a grey hoodie with a spike on it so he was a shark.

Wednesday I put on some fake glasses and had my hair into two pigtails. My day was brought down when I saw Nathan kissing some girl by the lockers. That put a damper on my day but seeing Cole with fake glasses with tape on the nose part fixed it a little.

Thursday I dressed up with the shirt from the fault in our stars with the drawing of the pipe on it. I put on a wig that looked a lot like Hazel's hair. I smiled and went to school. I saw Cole at lunch. His hair was to the side and up in a different way, he was wearing a basketball jersey ...... and he was holding orange tulips. Holy crap. He was dressed as Augustus. Really confused on why he was dressed like that, I was also confused how he knew I was doing this. "Hey" he said with a goofy half grin handing me the tulips. "Hey" I said taking them and smiling. He sat next to me "I'm you're Augustus and you're my Hazel, okay?" he threw an arm over me. "Okay" I said resting my head on his shoulder. And that is what made my week amazing.

Friday I wore my pink hoodie and pink beanie and Cole wore a pink t shirt and baseball cap. Some people were wearing pink hats, wigs and fake mustaches. Later that day was the big football game so I decided to go. This year we were facing the red Rodgers. I went with Star and Ashton since Max is a part of the pink flamingos, our team, and Cole doesn't really like coming to school football games. After the game had started and we eventually were at a tie, I thought about what had happened this week. Nathan had turned out to be a pig, Cole dressed up as Augustus on Thursday for me, Cole and I sort of kind of became a thing, we have the dance after the game, which Cole and I may be going to together, oh and did I forget to mention that Cole and I won homecoming king and queen? Well that also happened.

After the game, which we won by the way, I got ready for homecoming with Star. She wore a green dress that went just below the knee and I wore a blue dress that is at mid thigh. Max met us at Star's house and cutely held her hand while driving. Talk about me feeling like a third wheel. We got to the school and I left those two to do there thing and got some punch. I felt an arm snake around my waist and a chin on my shoulder. "Hey princess", "hey cuteness", "thanks for noticing" he kissed my cheek. Don't blame me for the cheesiness. He took the cup from my hand and put it down then dragged me to the dance floor. A slow song played and he set his hands on my waist and I put my arms around his neck. "Thank you" I whispered, "for what?", "saving me". "I'm here for you Emma, always. Heck you're talking to the guy that ran around the school like a mad man bothering your friends to tell me what you were dressing as and then tried to figure what the hell the movie was so I could dress up too" he said with a smile. As the song came to an end he kissed my forehead. It's official Cole is my personal Augustus Waters.


Hope you guys like the long chapter, since its so long I won't have a super long authors note.

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