Chapter Twelve - A life without Cole Stone

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Chapter Twelve - A life without Cole Stone

Emma's POV

I blinked. Then blinked again, not really knowing what he meant. I got ready for school in a maroon hoodie, blue jeans and a black beanie. I read the letter again and it sunk in finally. I walked over and looked in the room he was staying in hoping to find him laughing his head off with this little joke of his. Empty, he really left. My stomach started feeling kind of funny, oh my fricken god I think I'm gonna puke, or maybe I'm just gonna scream at the top of my lunges then curl up in a ball and cry. Question is why?


"Mom I'm fine", I wish.

"No, you don't need to come home".

"Mom don't worry abut it, I'm fine ok?".

"Ok love you too mom, bye".

Yup you guessed it, I decided to stay home today. After I found out Cole left I threw on some sweats got some snacks and comfy blankets and I convinced my mom I was sick but I'm fine to relax home alone. Which is a bonus for me since she's a doctor. I still felt like I was gonna puke. I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it cursing to myself for caring that he left. Then after pulling my knees to my chest I cried myself into a nap.

~a few hours later~

"Em, are you okay?" Ashton asked me, I nodded. After school Ashton, Star and Max decided to drop by my house to make sure I was still alive. "Yes I'm fine I'm fine", sadly my eyes probably gave it away. "Whats wrong Emma?" Star asked me. I noticed that Max had is arm around her. "You guys are dating? yay!" I smiled a little. "Don't change the subject missy now spill the beans" Max said poking me in the shoulder.

I filled them all in from the first day when I met Cole at school and he seemed bipolar, to the bet I made with him when he pissed me off, to his drunk confession and lastly the note with the poem and the charm bracelet that I was wearing now. I explained how the charms were all personal from our relationship if you could call it that and I explained the funny feeling I got knowing he left. "Awwwww" Max said pinching my cheek "our little Emmy's in lovee". I swatted his hand away and gave them all a confused look. "Emma Rose Collins your joking right? We've all seen the way you two are together and gosh the way he looked at you.... and damn that charm bracelet, only a fool in love would give someone something like that. And an even bigger fool in love would be clueless enough not to see any of this." Star said giggling.

After a few minutes of silence Star spoke up again. "Soo what are you gonna do?" she asked with a curious smile. "What do you mean? If you mean about Cole then nothing, and if you mean about life then live." I shrugged. Star looked at me like I just grew another head and said I eat kittens for breakfast. "Ok I'm going to pretend you didn't say that and talk to you later about all this. You want to watch some movies and eat food or something?". I thought about it for a second then nodded. We all made a big fort in my living room and got a bunch of blankets and food. As we were putting in Saw as the first movie I got a text.

Nathan - Hey I know you already slammed the door in my face but could you please just let me take you out? Even if its the only time and you have a horrible night then I'll leave you alone to be with that Cole guy, ok?

Me - Number one Cole left town. Number two we were never together it was just some stupid bet. And number three ok sure, sounds good.

Nathan - Great, can't wait. Ok so Saturday around 5:30 and dress casual, ok sound good?

Me - Yeah I'll talk to you soon Nathan, bye.

Nathan - Goodnight Emma :).

"YOU WHATTTT?!?" Star screeched over my shoulder making me jump. I take it she's been reading my texts. Before I could explain Star decided to continue, "you're going on a date with NATHAN?!" she asked looking at me shocked. "Skater boy?" Ashton questioned. That nickname, those two words split my heart in two.

"Do you like skater boy?"

"Don't pick skater boy Em, you should be with me"

His words played through my head. I felt my tears run down my cheeks, I closed my eyes tightly and hugged my knees to my chest. I felt myself become completely warm. Someone was hugging me. My heart prayed it was Cole but my mind knew it was Ashton. "Jeez Em I'm sorry I forgot that um he called Nathan that, I was just confused" Ashton had his arms around me while rubbing my back hushing me. I just nodded while sobbing to make sure he knew none of this was his fault. I just cried and let it all out for a few minutes. It was silent.

After a little bit I calmed down and spoke up, "hey guys what are your thoughts on what people do and say when their drunk?" I asked them.
"Well hmm what's that saying? its something like a drunk man's actions are a sober man's thoughts or something like that. So I think that what a guy does drunk is what he's too afraid to do or say when he's sober. Why?" Star asked now confused why I had asked that. I shook my head "never mind", we went back to watching the movies but I still couldn't get my mind off Cole. Is it possible he meant what he said? It was his choice to leave I need to just suck it up.

*A few weeks later*

Lets just say my hatred for people has risen very much lately. Some things I've been hearing people whisper are :

"Look it's that slut that wouldn't leave Cole alone",

"I heard she drugged Cole and locked him in her house, that's why he's not in school",

"Cole left to get away from that nerd",

And most common lately "what a freak".

I tried to not let it get to me but it started eating away at me. People would stare and whisper around me. At least one positive thing was I still sat with Star, Max and Ashton at lunch. And of course Nathan, speaking of which lets talk about our date from a few weeks ago shall we?

I put on blue jeans, a blue hoodie and an aqua beanie and my black sneakers. I went downstairs and sat on my kitchen counter. I looked at the clock and it read 5:25. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. I answered to see Nathan, in jeans and a black T-shirt. He smiled seeing me, "hey babe, ready to get going?". I nodded smiling closing the door behind me. Like the gentleman he is he opened the door of his car for me. "Thank you" I said sitting in the car and he closed the door behind me. You'll never guess where we went on the date. Bowling, he took me fricken bowling. It took all I could to smile and not cry. So yeah wasn't the best first date but he was still really sweet. I just smiled at him as we went in. When he brought me home he spoke up, "thank you for letting me take you out tonight Emma, I had a great time" he smiled at me. "I had a great time too, thank you". He kissed me on the cheek "have a good night Em". With that he turned on his heel and got in his car and drove off.

So yeah fun stuff. Star was very confused when I told her about it but she also seemed ready to go punch someone out.


Surprise I updated early! Sorry I just couldn't get myself to wait.
Hey guys so I hope you like this extra long chapter even though there's no Cole in this one. Vote Cole or Nathan? Who do you guys want with Emma? Guess that's it


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