Chapter twenty eight - I can't believe you did this!

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Emma's pov

I finished bringing the last box in, knowing it was going to take a lot of unpacking. I turned and met the green eyes I loved so much and smiled. "I can't believe we're finally doing this" I said, "we actually made it through my being at college." I giggled as we hugged.

"Told you we would princess" he kissed my head then went searching for a box cutter.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

My phone went off, I opened up the unknown messages.

My jaw dropped.

My eyes filled with tears at the sight.

The pictures sent from an unknown number showed Cole. My Cole. With some girl. God these pictures are horrible, just HORRIBLE.

"Emma? What's wrong?" he asked resting a hand on my shoulder.

I quickly moved, "don't-t touch me. Did you cheat on me?".


"Don't make shit up Cole" I said holding up my phone in my shaking hand.

His face went pale, he swallowed hard "Emma I-".

"I can't believe this."

I quickly stormed out of the apartment ignoring him calling after me. Not knowing where to go I just kept running. I knocked on the door and he answered. With a confused look he signed 'hey?'.

I signed back 'hey I'm sorry, I just really need a friend right now. Didn't know where to go'.

'Don't worry about it, come in' he signed.

I explained everything that happened with Cole with tears threatening to fall, to pour out the pain but I refused. He didn't even sign anything for a while just hugged me. After I calmed down though was a different story.

'I'm so sorry about what happened with Cole. He is so stupid to cheat on someone as beautiful and amazing as you. He clearly doesn't deserve you, nor this much power over you. He doesn't deserve your tears, no matter what happens I promise to help you out'.

I smiled and signed back 'thank you Emmet' and he nodded.

My phone buzzed, 'Cole'.

I signed and picked it up, "hello?".

"Emma where are you?"

"That doesn't concern you tonight Cole...".

"Emma please I'm so sorry".

"So am I Cole.... but I'm sure were both sorry for different reasons. I can't believe you did this to us.".

"Emma I regret what I did but I can't take it back now. I'm not going to give up on us, I love-" there was a screeching of breaks and a loud crash.

My heart stopped, "Cole? Cole??"

:o omg Cole what did you do this time. Vote + comment = vomment.

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