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Puck POV

I lay on my trampoline, looking up at my cloudy blue sky.   I hate to say it, but I'm bored as hell.  I hate the summer.  I prefer winter because then there's Christmas time and there's snow and hot chocolate. 

In the summer time, all it is is blazing heat and pools.  I don't even like pools, let alone sweating from the one hundred degree temperatures. 

I few minute later, I roll off my trampoline to go look for something to do.  I walk along the short path to get to my door.  I turn the doorknob and walk into the hallway of the Grimm house.  I notice Ugly's room across from mine, and for a second I think about going in there and bugging her, but instead I find myself walking downstairs. 

There, I find Ugly and her sister sitting on the couch.  Ugly was on her phone and Daphne, Ugly's sister, was watching the TV. 

I plop down next to Daphne, trying to get interested in whatever show she was watching, but just couldn't.  I turn to Ugly, who hasn't even looked up from her phone.  I pick up a pillow from beside me and throw it at her head. She merely just tosses it to the side, still not looking up at me.  I begin to get irritated, for I want her attention.  I crawl over to her side of the couch and snatch the phone out of her hand. 

"Puck!" she screeches, causing Daphne to jump slightly.  "Give me back my phone, you douchebag!" Ugly yells at me.  Daphne slides off the couch and runs back upstairs.  "Oh, look, you scared off your sister!" I tease her.  She ignores my comment, and before I can look and see whatever she was doing on her phone, she grabs it out of my hand. 

I roll my eyes.  "You're no fun," I mutter.  Instead of responding like a normal human being, she kicks me in the head.  I grab another pillow and hurl it out her ugly face.  I hear her yelp as I realize I actually hurt her.  I quickly scramble back over to her, taking her face in both my hands.  Her nose was bleeding.

"Stay here," I tell her, hopping off the couch to go get napkins from the kitchen.  When I return, I take a napkin and lightly dab her nose with it.  She looked quite irritated with me.  I don't blame her though.  I'd be pissed if someone made my nose bleed like that. 

I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel horrible.

"You're a dick," Ugly remarks and she goes back to whatever she was doing on her phone.  "Tell me something I don't know," I mutter under my breath.  "What are you doing on your phone?" I ask her as nicely as possible, but I feel like she still takes it as an insult.  "I'm texting someone," she muffles.  "Who?" I press, a smirk starting to form on my face.  I hear her mumble something, but I can't make out exactly what it is.  "What?" I ask.  "My boyfriend," Ugly repeats.  The smirk on my face immediately disappears. 

A good ten minute pass by, and neither one of us has said anything to one another.  I can help but to be jealous that Ugly has a boyfriend. 

Who am I kidding though, she's gorgeous. 

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