the closet

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The time has come. Sabrina lay curled into a tight little ball on her bed, wanting to be free from this horrible mess. The smell of blood floated through her room and the constant pain in her lower abdomen haunting her from inside and out.

She wanted to cry. She hated puberty, and nothing could have prepared her for it. Sabrina slowly slithered out of her cold dirty bed and wandered into her bathroom. She flicked on the light and closed the door behind her.

She hated what she saw in the mirror. A horribly ugly face with acne and messy gross blonde hair and puffy red blue eyes and so small and fragile if anyone were to touch her, she would break.

Over the years, Sabrina has practiced putting on makeup. It started off with just a little concealer and maybe mascara but now it's a full face. She applied everything you could imagine from bronzer to eyebrows to lips until you couldn't see what was underneath the caked foundation and she became what she thought was finally "pretty".

She tied her hair up into a tight and clean bun, brushing back the loose hairs and gelling them so they don't friz up. She stabbed a hoop earring through her piercing and left the bathroom to go find something to wear.

The day was long and tedious but all Sabrina did was sit at home and hope Puck wouldn't say anything about her disguise underneath three layers of makeup because if there was one person in this whole world that would judge her the most, it was him.

Sabrina sat silently on the couch. She stared at the floor, miserable and uncomfortable and wanting nothing more than to be pretty without cake frosting.

She hear faint footsteps approaching behind her. But with sudden hands on her shoulders and a loud "boo", Sabrina still didn't flinch. Puck slouched himself into the couch next to Sabrina, wrapping his arm around her.

"You good?" Sabrina didn't answer. Puck frowned, attempting to kiss her on the forehead, but Sabrina pulled away, not wanting him to smudge her makeup. Puck groaned, getting up from the couch and walking away.

Before Sabrina knew it, it was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and all she had done that day was eat food, nap, and scroll the her Instagram. 

At 2:30, her father would be arriving home from work, probably angry and ready to beat the living hell out of her.  Sabrina has gotten used to the usual beatings.  She had avoided telling anyone, it was a secret, a rather dark one.  Henry targeted Sabrina above the 3 other children that lived in the house.  There was just something about her he didn't like.  Something about her that made him boil with furry. 

Maybe it was that she was a girl.  Maybe it was that she was so quiet and fragile, or that she was ugly.  It could possibility be that she had bad grades and didn't play any sports other than a weekly contemporary class. 

Sabrina had been dancing for 3 years now.  Mostly contemporary, but she enjoyed other styles of dance as well.   She mostly kept her love for a dance a secret too, only her sister and parents knew. 

Sabrina looked up at the large clock on the wall.  2:24.  She got up off the couch and stuck quietly into her room, locking the door behind her.  She sat on her bed, wondering if she had the courage to defend herself this time.  Probably not. 

It was then she heard something in her closet.  Sabrina turned her head, facing the closet doors.  Sabrina had a fear of her closet doors, and whatever mysterious things might lurk behind them. 

She heard another noise, and she started to become curious.  She kept her distance however, if someone was in there planning to kill her, she would simply let it happen.  God's plan, as Sabrina liked to call it. 

Sabrina laid down on her bed, staring up at the popcorn ceiling.  She could feel herself began to drift off the sleep, as she heard to front door open.  Her eyes flickered open, as she sat up in bed.  She groaned, and the closet made a noise again. 

Sabrina rolled her eyes, getting up to see what it was.  But before she could open the doors, they spoke to her. 

"Grimm please don't kill me, I was in here snooping around and I accidentally locked myself in.  Could you please let me out? I really have to piss."

Puck, of course.

Sabrina roller her eyes once again, opening the doors to free Puck.

"How come you didn't just say that when I first came in here stupid?" Sabrina asked him, rather annoyed but definitely not surprised.  "I didn't want you to get mad, and I thought you were gonna leave.  My bad," Puck groaned.  "Why were you in my closet anyway? There's nothing interesting in here," Sabrina said to the boy, peaking behind him into the dark abyss. 

"Well," Puck said.  "I found this," he held up a book, a year book.  "Oh, yeah, that's from last year," Sabrina told him.  "It's mine."  "Does that mean there's photos of you in it?" Puck smiled, beginning to flip through the pages.  "Puck, no! Please God, no," Sabrina whined, covering her face in embarrassment. 

Eventually, Puck found a picture of his beloved Grimm.  "Awe, little freshman Grimm was so cute," Puck laughed, holding the book up so Sabrina could see herself.  "God no, I was hideous, put that away," Sabrina turned away from Puck.

"Grimm c'mon, you were pretty," Puck said.  "Were?" Sabrina joked.  "You still are," Puck mumbled.  "without the makeup."

Sabrina frowned as the room fell silent.  She then heard footsteps coming up the stairs.  "Shit," she said under her breath.  She shoved Puck back into the closet, preparing herself for the beating of her life. 

Henry threw open her bedroom door, and looked directly at his daughter.  "Dinner tonight at Arby's," he said, and then left.  Sabrina let out the biggest sigh of relief.  She heard to closet doors rattle and turned around. 

"They're unlocked silly," she giggled.  Puck threw open the doors, with a sweet little grin on his face.  "And THAT is how you come out of the closet," he said, waddling over to Sabrina.  Sabrina laughed.  "You never told me you were gay."  "Well duh Grimm, I was in the closet," Puck joked.  Sabrina shook her head. 

"Hey um, how come you were so nervous about Henry coming in here?" Puck asked, looking down at his feet.  "Oh, no reason, he's just scary sometimes," Sabrina answered, obviously lying.  "He doesn't ever hurt you, does he?" Puck asked politely.  Sabrina shook her head no, but of course Puck didn't believe her. 

He gave Sabrina a hug, promising her he wouldn't let Henry hurt her, even though it was a bit too late.  Sabrina hugged him back, feeling comforted by his warmth and sudden sweetness.  She loved him, more than she would ever admit. 

Two months later, Henry was arrested for domestic battery.  Apparently he had been abusing Veronica too.  Puck had called the cops when he saw Henry going after Sabrina and Veronica. 

Without Henry in the house, Sabrina felt much safer,  but if it wasn't for Puck, she knows her and her family would still be in danger. 

lmao try changing your phone language to dutch that shit in funny as hell

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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