high school

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Sabrina POV

"Are you excited for our first day of high school?" I asked turning to Puck.  He shrugged and continued to look out the car window.   He hasn't really been talking to me all the much lately and it's starting to make me suspicious. 

Did he just not want to be around me anymore?

My thoughts were interrupted by my sister. 

"Do you think the people will be nice?" she asked me.  "Maybe," I replied.  She gave me a flat face and also turned to look out the window. 

About five minutes later,  we arrived at school.  Daphne ran off to her fifth grade class, and Puck and walked in silence to our ninth grade class.  We had roughly the same schedule, except Puck had a different math class than me.  Our first class was science.  We dropped our stuff off in our lockers and headed towards to science lab. 

"Why aren't you speaking to me?" I asked Puck.  He looked at me with sad eyes, but didn't say anything.  "See, that's what I mean!" I sigh.  "Sorry," he mumbles.  I frown, and begin to walk ahead of Puck, not wanting him to see my face get red. 

Puck POV

"Are you excited for our first day of high school?" Grimm asked.  I shrugged.  We haven't really spoken at all in the past couple of weeks.  I feel like we're growing apart, and it's scaring me.  I want to talk to her, but I don't know what to say.  I want to hang out with her, but I don't know what to do.  Maybe she doesn't want what I want.  Maybe that's why we're not talking.

"Do you think the people will be nice?" Daphne asked.  "Maybe," Grimm said to her.  She didn't really look like she was paying attention to her sister.  She looked like she was lost in her thoughts.  Daphne turned away and looked out the window.

Sooner or later, we finally got to the school.  Daphne ran off and Grimm and I walked to our first class, science. 

"Why aren't you speaking to me?" Grimm asked after a few moments of silence.  I looked at her, but I was at a loss for words.  My heart sped up a bit and my stomach felt like there were butterflies in it.

Maybe I'm getting sick?

"See that's what I mean!" Grimm says.  I can tell she's starting to get mad.  "Sorry," I mutter.  I feel really bad for not saying anything else.  But before I know it, first period has already started. 

Sabrina POV

Half way through first period, Puck already seemed like he had made friends.  He was sitting with a few other guys, and a group of girls crowded around them.  All their attention was on Puck.  I can tell they were flirting with him, but he didn't really seem fazed by it. 

Me however, didn't make a single friend.  At least not yet, it was only first period.  Our next class was math, so Puck wouldn't he there.  I entered my math class and sat down near the back of the classroom.  There was brown haired boy sitting next to me.  He looked up from his desk at me and smiled.  I smiled back.

"I'm Jared," he said, holding out his hand.  I took it.  "I'm Sabrina," I replied.  His smile grew wider.  "That's a really pretty name," he said.  I could feel my cheeks blush a bit.  "Thanks," I said. 

The rest of the day went by fairly fast, and I mostly hung out with Jared.  He seemed to be a pretty cool dude.

After our last class was dismissed, Puck and I went to go pick up Daphne.  The three of us got picked up, the drive home was short and silent.  I looked over at Puck a couple times, but it almost seemed like he was completely avoiding eye contact with me.  We arrived home, to find that Granny was cooking dinner.


"Hi Granny," Daphne chirped.  "What are we having for dinner?" she asked.  "You'll see! It's going to be very exciting," Granny exclaimed. 

Oh boy.

Puck POV

Science class was weird.  I made a few friends, but all these girls were like, obsessed with me.  It made me very uncomfortable.  I kept looking over at Grimm, hoping maybe she was looking back at me, but she never was.  It made me, in a way, disappointed.  Not in her.  But in myself for thinking she thought about me the way I thought about her. 

My second period was math, of which I did not have with Grimm.  I sat down in the back of the classroom.  A few moments later, another boy sat down next to me.  I looked up at him.  He waved at me and I waved back. 

"Dylan," he said.  "Robin," I replied.  He smiled.  Math class went by smoothly.  I got Dylan's number, and it turns out we have third period and fifth period together as well, which is pretty cool.   Dylan and I hung out at lunch and made plans to hang out after school some time. 

A few hours later, it was time to go home, which meant I had to face Grimm.  We hopped in the car.  I wanted to say something to her, but she never really made any eye contact with me, and I didn't wanna be awkward, so I just gave up trying. 

The Old Lady was cooking some weird green shrimp dinner I had absolutely no interest in, so I scattered back upstairs to my room.  I lay on my bed for a good ten minutes.  Then I hear a knock on my door. 

"Come in!" I yell, not bothering to get off my bed.  Unexpectedly, the doorknob turns and Grimm poked her head inside my room.

A/N:  There WILL be a part two to this.  Can ya'll do me a favor and give me some one shot ideas in the comments please? Thanks.  Also, for my Puckabrina Fan Fic story, the next chapter should be updated very soon.  Possibly some time tomorrow.  BYE.

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