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A/N:  Hellllooo my doods.  Again, I apologize for not being active.  I'm really trying, but I have a lot of school going on right now.  Anyway, this is probably my favorite one shot that I have ever written, so please enjoy and vote♥️

Puck - 16
Mustardseed - 13

Puck POV

I squinted as the bright sunlight flooded through my window.  I rolled over onto my left side and screamed into my pillow.  I did not want to get up.

Thank heavenly Jesus Lord it was Saturday, unless I would have actually thrown myself out of a window.   I slithered out of my warm bed and opened the door, greeted by the long and cold hallways of my family's castle. 

After journeying with Jacob for about a year and a half, I moved back in with my mom and my brother.  The change was okay.  I would be lying if I said I didn't miss the Grimms.  Especially the dumb blonde one. 

I treaded down the hallway and found myself in the large living room.  There my mother stood smiling in her nightgown.  Another short women stood with her back facing me.  It was clear she was having a conversation with my mom.  My brother stood off to the side, awkwardly waiting.

As I got closer, I could start to hear what they were saying.

"Honestly though, that's wonderful," the short women said to my mother.  "Very unexpected, but I'm very happy for him," she said. 

It took some time, but I was finally able to register the voice.

Veronica Grimm. 

Eventually, I caught my mother's eye and she called me over.  She gave me my usual morning hug and I waved hello to Veronica. 

"What happened?" I asked, looking up at my mother.  Though both my parents are/were rather tall, I was unlucky and turned out to be short.  A lovely five foot seven that is. 

To answer my question, my mother called over my brother, who we now referred to as Joey because apparently 'Mustardseed' is too bloody hard to say.  

My brother smiled and happily walked over to me.  He stared at me like an idiot for a solid ten seconds.

"What?" I asked, starting to become annoyed.  "Guess," he said, still smiling stupidly. 

"You got excepted into an exotic high school in Norway,"


"You got me a puppy because you love me,"


"You met Drake,"


"You found Pennywise,"


"You got a girlfriend,"

"N— well..."

Joey paused.

"So that's it, you got a girlfriend before I did?" I asked him, wondering why I wasted all my time and energy just to find that I'm going to die a virgin while my brother is married and has 9 kids.

Mom giggled.

"Kinda" Joey said.  "Kinda?" How do you kind of have a girlfriend? Please explain to m—"

"Puck," my mother interrupted me. 

"Your brother has a boyfriend,"

"Oh," I looked back at my brother.  He gave me a hopeful look, clearly wishing for my exceptance. 

"Well that's good because now you can't have kids before I do," I said to him.  He frowned and playfully punched me in the shoulder. Instead of fighting him back, I grabbed his arm and pulled him in for a hug.

"Good for you my dude," I said.  "Thank you," he whispered.  My mom took Joey's hand and lead him away from the living room, Veronica in tow.  Before the three of them disappeared out of my hearing range, I heard Joey start to say something else to my mom.

"Ooh, and also, I've been following James Charles tutorials and I think I wanna do your makeup for Halloween," he said.  I threw myself onto the couch and laughed. 

I love this family. 

A/N:  Please comment and/or vote♥️


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