rainbow pt. 2

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Sabrina POV

Nobody prepared me for this day.  I have no words.  I'm happy, but I'm confused.  I'm also sad, but mostly excited. 

I don't even know what to say to her.  She seems happy.  They both seem happy.  Mom and Dad are fine.  Uncle Jake is cool with it.  Puck doesn't know, and we're honestly scared to tell him because to be completely honest he doesn't even know that that's legal or even a thing. 

I don't know. It just makes me sad that she felt like she couldn't share these things with us when she first started feeling them.  She felt like she couldn't say anything until she was absolutely sure. And even when she was sure, she kept it a secret.

It's been two years? Two WHOLE years she's been feeling this way? I just feel awful.  I should've been there for her.

No innocent 14 year old girl should feel like the only way she could express what's going on inside her head by having a mental break down in the living with my mom and ten o'clock at night and after two whole years finally work up the nerve to say "Mom I'm gay," and feeling like nobody would support her.

That's horrible.  Nobody deserves that.  She should've felt like she was able to bring whoever home and say "Hi this is who I'm dating, deal with it.". Not "Mom I'm gay please don't abandon me," knowing damn well we would never do that. 

Daphne Grimm is my favorite lesbian and I'll kill you if you hurt her. 

A/N:  hi ok so the basic rundown.  I'm bi which means i date both boys and girls and i have a really hard time expressing that to my parents and no i am not making everything gay you stupid homophobic straight people can kiss my gay ass nobody ever said daphne was straight so i get to make her whatever to get my point across that you should never feel ashamed of who you are 💕

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