queen (part 1)

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A/N: guess who got sick and had to stay in the hospital for two weeeeekkkksss.......hehehe this bitch

i'm so so sorry for not updating. i know you're probably mad at me, so i wrote you something special. it's going to have more than one part, and includes moth. stay tuned kids. shits about to get real.

Sabrina POV

I grabbed Puck's hand, squeezing it tightly. This time, he belonged to me. I wasn't gonna let that stupid skank take him away from me. We walked until we reached the doors to where we'd enter the castle. The guards bowed to Puck, then smiled at me. I wasn't a fairy, but who else would be their queen?

Titania greeted us in the lobby, eyeing our hands. She led us to where we would have our little "meeting". This was mostly about the Moth situation. Now that Oberon's dead, Puck needed to be king, and without Moth, no queen, and with no queen...well...we're figuring that out.

I know Puck loves me. He's never said it, but I know he does. I can't imagine loving anybody else but him. I know that sounds cheesy, but we're destined to be together, so why not get a head start.

We sat down at the table, with a few other people. Titania, Mustardseed, Sunflower, who was replacement for Cobweb, Thorne, Moth's brother, and a couple of Titania's maids as well as a few guards that stood by the door.

There were some side conversations between a few of the guests, but Moth's brother sat silently, staring at the wall with a serious expression on his face. He was very attractive. He looked a little like his sister, but not by much.

Although I've never actually met him, just heard of him, I could already tell he was probably an asshole. He just had that look. Serious. Quiet. Attractive, but in a really dark and mysterious way. Almost the opposite of Puck. Puck was almost never serious. He was almost never quiet. And when he was serious or quiet, there was something wrong with him. Puck was attractive in a different way. He had a brighter, happier face. Pretty green eyes and soft freckles. Fluffy blonde hair and perfect pink lips. He was perfect. He was my kind of perfect.

Titania cleared her throat, grabbing everybody at the table's attention. We all looked at her, waiting for her to talk. "I know it's been a while since the...incident, but I'm glad we can finally talk about this," she says, stuttering a bit. "After my husband was killed, I begin to think about how we could reconstruct the kingdom. Who would be the king, queen, you get the picture. Of course, my son, Robin Goodfellow, was the oldest, so our family collectively decided to make him our king, which worked out just fine. The only two issues we have now are one: Robin is almost never in Faerie, and we almost never see him except at big events or meetings. And two: we don't have a queen," Titania continued to avoid eye contact with the group. I could tell she was uncomfortable, and wondered if I was the reason. I honestly don't know if she likes me or not.

She finished up whatever she was saying, and we all nodded at her.   Then told us she would keep us updated on whatever she decided, and then dismissed us.  I wandered out along side Puck, still clinging to his arm.  There would be another meeting tomorrow, so we were planning on spending the night at the castle. 

Puck led me to his room.  We entered and he flickered on the light.  Puck's room was rather large.  It had a king sized bed facing the door, backed up against a huge window, which viewed the beautiful village down below.  On the right side of the room, there was a dresser and the door to the bathroom, which was also very large.  On the left side, there were closet doors, probably emtpy, and a tv stand as well as the tv. 

I sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Puck to come out of the bathroom.  He became invested in taking showers about two years ago, and he seems to enjoy them much more now.

He stumbled out into the cool room, his hair all messy and wet and he had a towel wrapped around the lower half of his body.  I smiled a little.  Sometimes I wonder if he knew how gorgeous he was.

"Forget my clothes, hehe," he muttered, searching around the room for the clothes he probably didn't even have.  I grabbed his arm, and pulled him closer to me.  "It's okay," I said.  "You don't need them,"

The Next Day

I awoke, the sun blaring through Puck's window.  I groaned, rolling over the my other side.  Puck was dead asleep, with the towel from last night still wrapped loosely around his waste, and his face pressed into the pillow.  I smiled, placing my hand lightly on his face.  I kissed him on the forehead, and rolled out of bed.

Today was going to be different. I knew we were having another meeting, but this time, Moth was going to be there. Chained up and looked after of course, but nevertheless, she was still going to be there.

To be honest, I was really nervous. Moth still kind of scared me. I mean, I was read to beat the living shit out of her if I had to, but damn, she was crazy as hell.

All I was really worried about was the her and Puck situation. What's he gonna do when he sees her? What's she gonna do when she sees him?

I got dressed in the bathroom, and came back out into the bedroom to find Puck still asleep. I giggled walking over to him. I leaned down and calmly whispered in his ear that the meeting has started 10 minutes ago but in reality it didn't start for another two hours.

Puck scrambled out of bed, struggling to keep his towel on. He looked at me, all worked up, then asked if I could go get him clothes from the laundry room. I rolled eyes, reinforming him I was just joking. He groaned. "Let me sleep then."

A/N: here lol. next chapter posted idkkkk. also i'm working on my new story but it's really hard because i want it to be perfect i'm so sorryyyyyyyncnckvkckck

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