4. sober up

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Ana woke up on Saturday morning with a pounding headache, which was followed by a vile feeling intruding her stomach. She coughed at the scratchiness on the lining of her throat and curled back up underneath her thick, gray comforter.

Ana eventually found the ability to pull herself up out of bed, only she immediately faced the freezing cold. Ana groaned, ready to fall back into bed when Laura knocked on her door.

Ana muttered a polite, "Come in," and began painfully smiling when Laura walked in with a tray of coffee and another random cup.

"Hey, sleepy-head," Laura laughed, setting the tray down on Ana's bedside table. She sat by Ana's feet, enclosing the sides of her bathrobe around her torso.

"What's this?" Ana carefully lifted the latter cup off of the tray and smelled it. She didn't smell anything, as it was just a cup of water. How very anticlimactic of you, Laura, Ana thought.

"Did you expect it to be, like, eggs and Gatorade and ginseng, or something?" Laura laughed, her eyebrows raised into her hairline.

"Well, just something a lot more weird than water. But, thank you for bringing these to me." Ana gulped down the water and followed it up by coffee.

"Do you want to do something today?" Laura continued the conversation, standing up to pick a few random clothing pieces off the ground.

Ana rolled her eyes as Laura tossed the things into Ana's laundry basket. She'd gotten over trying to argue Laura out of cleaning up Ana's room.

"Like what?" Ana tilted her head to the side and gave Laura a, 'seriously?' expression.

Laura shrugged, "Maybe we could just go out to lunch or something? Possibly go ice skating? It snowed again last night, probably for the last time, so this might be our last chance."

Ana nodded as she took a sip of her hot coffee. Laura knew her drink order so well. "Sure."

Laura was halfway out the door when she ended with, "Get dressed and we'll leave soon."

"Okay," Ana replied, standing out of her bed in order to pull open the curtains.

It was bright outside, causing Ana to squint at the light. White flakes covered every inch of ground in sight, making the buildings rising from the ground to look like metaphorical flowers. She smiled at the city's gorgeous weather shine.

Ana opened up the doors of her closet after using three restroom and chose a winter-appropriate outfit— a pink turtleneck with frills around the openings tucked into black jeans with a belt she'd stolen from Laura.

Ana messily made her bed and sat back down to lace up her black booties. She chose her one and only winter jacket— a brown, fuzzy piece that was extremely thick and warm.

Ana's stomach grumbled loudly, causing a smile to tug at her lips. She grabbed her purse and jacket in order to join Laura in the kitchen.

"Aw, look at you, my little house wife, making breakfast," Ana teased upon seeing Laura at the stove, moving eggs around on a pan.

"Shut up!" Laura giggled and threatened to toss an egg onto Ana's 'perfectly' done hair.

"Perfect my ass," Laura mumbled to herself as she snickered.

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