16. for now

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Just a transition chapter ;)

As spring bleed into summer heat, Ana's hair grew out from the blond she'd died it and back to its natural dark brown. She cut off the ends, which were still a slight yellow color, and ended up with a bob (thanks to Laura's persuasive opinions.)

She grew closer with Ben, as she had suspected she would do. She still would never tell him that the man she was sleeping with was Jeremy, not would he tell her that that was who he suspected it to be due to her initials being left on a bra left in his best friends apartment.

Jeremy and Ben's relationship mended back to the way it had been. They were closer than ever when June hit, and happy as hell.

Jeremy and Ana continued to to follow the rules she'd set for them, limiting themselves to twice a month, three times, at most. They rarely cuddled, due to the positive take that both of their lives was taking.

Laura had debuted in a new role on Broadway, in a show called Bandstand. Ana, whose name had been volunteered by her roommate, was the became the official photographer for the show. Her instagram followers grew largely because of this, and so did the amount of job offers.

She quit the cafe and took on a new role as assistant photographer for broadway.com.

Ana and Ashley came to a stand still in their relationship up until Laura invited both of them to a weekend getaway to Lake Erie in Geneva, Ohio.

Ana didn't know whether she was nervous or just fine with being brought together with Ashley, who she had only rarely talked to in the past few months.

Of course, while she barely talked to Ashley, she did love the girls prescience when she granted with it. She was extremely kind to Ana, and constantly smiling at everything the girl had to say.

She was basically the blonde version of Laura.

She settled on being nervous and excited, not just fine, with Ashley's addition to their trip. 

The three of them left New York City on a plane June 21st, all having been granted a four day weekend by their jobs.

Ana was ready to make some memories.

Newsies run time had been extended a month. Due to its announcement of its closure, ticket prices went up for a split second before falling again. Jeremy was heartbroken once again when they were told in April that the show would in fact close, no matter what this time. But he would not let himself treat this news the way he had done so months ago.

Because of Ana, he never felt the need to drink away his problems.

Instead, he and Ben had a movie night at Ben's apartment.

Jeremy had texted Ana to have a safe flight hours ago, and his phone had been turned off completely since then.

Ever since they agreed on the list, Jeremy could not have been happier. While they agreed to not have a friendship, a month after it was signed, they broke yet another rule.

They began texting one another nonstop. In person, they agreed to not speak of the conversations they had. But they did create almost a virtual friendship that was separate from the bedroom. It felt like they were living two different lives with one another.

But Jeremy could care less. He hadn't drank a single beer in four months now.

Ana was thriving in her career and, he noticed, confidence. And these alone made him feel good about himself.

But with her added support on iMessage and the love she showed him when he asked for it was enough to not only build his structure, but to uphold it.

Needless to say, everyone was right where they needed to be.

At least, for now.

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