36. stubborn

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Ana sunk into the new gray couch situated in her living room, a bowl of popcorn upon her lap. Jeremy was relaxed beside her, flicking through On Demand in a lazy attempt to find a movie.

"I'm so glad we were finally able to get together," he said as he reached a hand over for some popcorn.

"Yeah, me, too. Life's just been so busy."

"Especially with you moving," Jeremy continued.

Ana nodded along before adding, "And you packing up for LA."

There had already been a thick layer of awkward tension hanging in the air between them. Ever since their argument about Sadie, something had been off. It was silly for the two grown adults to act like that, but neither knew what the other was thinking.

So they decided to ignore their issues and push on until he left in, now, three days.

"You'll come visit, right? I wanna show you around set and stuff," he finally spoke again.

"Yeah, definitely. I'll just have to pencil it in my schedule."

"What're you going to be so busy with when I'm gone?"

Ana blinked hard, "For one, I have a job. A very busy job."

He shrugged, eyes never leaving the television. Ana sighed and stood from the couch. "Where are you going?"

"To get some water." She replied with a snappy tone.

Ana stopped at the kitchen counter and crossed her arms. She leaned against it, her head hung low. She pressed her eyes closed tightly, suppressing tears.

She heard footsteps approaching, so she quickly turned towards the kitchen sink. Ana grabbed the hand towel hanging off her stove handle and ran water over it.

"Hey-" he cut himself off when she sniffled. "Are...you okay?

She shook her head, shoving pieces of hair behind her ear. "I'm fine. What's up?"

She spun around and leaned against the sink. Jeremy had her phone in his hand, and it was ringing. "Someone's calling you."

His brows were drawn together and his mouth hanging ajar. She reached for her phone and excused herself. As she passed her grabbed her elbow, but she brushed him off and went into the hallway.

"Hello?" Ana hadn't checked to see the caller ID.

The voice on the other line was only slightly familiar, "Hey, Ana, it's Casey. Casey Cott. I'm just calling to see if we're still on for dinner tomorrow."

"Oh, hey, Casey!" Anas shoulders lifted and her tone of voice bubbled. "I'm still planning on being there tomorrow if you'll be there, too."

"I wouldn't want to stand you up," Casey laughed.

"Okay," Ana giggled, "See you then?"

He hummed, "See you!"

Ana hung up and clutched the phone to her chest for a moment.

She and Casey had been on exactly one date. He met her for lunch last Saturday and they immediately hit it off. He was extremely charming and Ana felt as if she could actually make something out of this relationship, if or when it made it past the dating stage.

She slid her phone into her back pocket and turned to go back into the kitchen. Jeremy was in her earlier spot, against the kitchen counter, muscular arms crossed in defiance. His brows were still drawn, but his mouth made a thin line on his face, and his eyes were set on her small figure with jealousy and anger.

"Who's Casey?" He straightened his spine but didn't let his demeanor drop.

Ana's shoulder hit the door frame where she planted herself. "This guy I'm seeing."

Her mood dropped instantly and now she felt scared of the man she called her best friend. This was toxic, the jealousy raging between them, jealousy for Sadie, for Casey, people neither of them knew that well. They had no right to be like this, but they were.

"If you're angry, you have no right," Ana spoke before he could.

He shook his head, "You had no right to be angry with Sadie. I didn't go on a date with her because of everything you said."

"I never told you not to go on a date with her! You wanted my opinion, so I gave it." Ana's voice rose. "Besides, this is different. I've actually gone out with Casey. You barely said three words to her."

"You basically did tell me not to go out with her, so don't even try and say you didn't," Jeremy replied, the volume in his tone matching hers. "Plus, Sadie and I spoke more than three words."

"Maybe shared," Ana mumbled before another argument collided her thoughts, "don't put words in my mouth!"

"Why were you so angry, anyways?" Jeremy slammed a hand down on the counter.

Ana planted her own on her hips, "Why are you angry? Why are we both angry at each other? You're leaving in three days, Jer. We're gonna grow apart even more than we already are."

"Then let's just let it happen. We both obviously have a jealousy problem for no reason whatsoever." He turned away from her and ran a hand through his hair.

She walked around the counter so he would have to face her again. "You're very funny if you think I'm going to let you walk out of my life because of some guy I've gone out with once. We both know the reason, Jeremy."

A beat, "Then say it."

Ana rolled her eyes, "Say what?"

Jeremy huffed loudly, frustration seeping through his words, "I've been fighting myself for months now, Ana. I've been so worried that you'll hate me if I say it because of every single circumstance we've been through. For a while I thought maybe you were in the same boat, but then Ben came along and since then I've been sure it's not true. So I've been getting over you. But you say something like that and I'm so unsure-"

"When were you under me?" Ana gaped at him, the anger she was brewing behind her lips swallowed.

Jeremy moved around the counter, closer towards her. "Say it, Ana. Please say it."

Ana tried to suppress tears again, but they slipped down her face. "It never works, Jeremy. We know it never works. We can try, but it won't."

"Ana, please-"

"No, you know it won't work. We fight over the stupidest thing and, it's not just because we're friends or you're leaving, but because of that, and, no, we're too stubborn and, and, we're too strong headed, and assertive, and-"

"Ana?" Jeremy reached for her hand, but she stepped back.

"Please leave."

Jeremy whispered, "An-"


So he did.

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