8. eye contact

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Ana stumbled around her bedroom at exactly six-thirty am on Monday morning. Her phone was ringing loudly with phone calls every two minutes, but she'd someone slept through the first ten of them. She was late, she could just feel it, and her suspicion was confirmed when she turned on her phone. It only gave her a second before it started ringing again.

"Hello?" She spoke as clear as her morning voice allowed her. Ana grabbed a pair of slacks off the floor, sticking her feet into them while waiting for a reply.

"Where are you?!" Mr. Hugh glared down his fancy phone at the very late intern, whom he'd never even liked from the start.

Ana began buttoning her pants as she crossed the room for her closet. She rummaged through her work clothes, searching for a sweater as it was somewhat cold today. "I'm so, so sorry, sir! I slept in past my alarm, but I will be there in fifteen-"

"Don't even bother coming in. You're fired. You can pick up your things tomorrow at the usual time you would be getting off your shift." He hung up.

Ana held her phone up against her ear for a moment after the phone call ended. Her eyelashes dropped to her cheeks, her fingers attaching themselves around the bridge of her nose. Ana took a deep breath, blowing it out of her mouth tightly.

She turned back towards her bed, still in her pajama shirt and slacks, and set her phone gently down onto her dresser. She unbuttoned her trousers, slipping them off so they pooled around her ankles. Ana curled back up underneath her blanket.

Jeremy had no work to go to that chilly morning. Monday's were always dark for his specific show, so he slept past the dozens of alarms he would usually wake up to.

He slouched out of bed around 10 AM, dragging himself to the coffee pot. He poured himself a cup once it was brewed, leaning against his counter with a yawn.

Jeremy had absolutely nothing to do today. No meetings, no photo shoots, no interviews, no luncheons or brunches.

He decided that cleaning up his apartment might be a good idea. And doing so made him happy.

He washed three loads of laundry, including his bedsheets and curtains. He put those things right back in the laundry baskets, considering he still didn't have furniture to unload the things into.

He searched for IKEA on his phone and found out that he could have his furniture delivered. After finding this discovery, Jeremy dressed himself and took the subway to the superstore.

He picked out a bed frame, a headboard, a few bookshelves and end tables, a dining room table and chairs, a small couch, a coffee table, and a lounging chair. Once he'd made a serious dent in his bank account, he retreated back home with a bounce in his step.

Something had changed him over the weekend, and whatever it was, he thanked it.

Ana woke back up at noon. She hadn't had that much sleep in so long, and getting out of it felt like she was removing herself from a coma.

Ana got dressed into winter clothing before leaving the apartment without a real destination in mind. She ended up at the coffee shop where she'd been with Ashley and Laura earlier.

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