35. set me up

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"Thanks again, Laura, for all your help," Ana wrapped up the girl in a tight hug, though she was beyond exhausted.

They had spent all day moving Ana from her and Laura's shared apartment to her new one in the Hudson Valley. It was closer to work, Ana told herself, but she knew the main reason she left was because Laura's boyfriend was planning on proposing to her. When he told Ana, she was ecstatic, and when she realized it meant that Laura would have to move out, Ana wanted to be the first to go, to show her that she supported the relationship.

"Oh, you're welcome," Laura fanned herself off once she pulled away.

Winter was, once again, moving away at a brutal speed. It seemed that every morning was cold, but every afternoon, warmer than the day before.

Ana liked the transition. It meant she could wear hoodies and shorts to work and bust out her favorite summer dresses with a jean jacket on top.

While she liked the weather transition, she didn't like the time. Jeremy was due to leave for Los Angeles at the end of May. He would be there for the entirety to the summer, filming for Supergirl.

Ana was going to miss him.

Ever since their argument, they'd been only slightly distant with one another. Their once usual outings for breakfast, lunch, and dinner narrowed down to only one time per week. However, to Ana's delight, he had stopped talking about that Sadie girl.

Apparently, she had fallen off the wagon and stopped attending the meetings.

Jeremy had also said something along the lines of her not being his type, but Ana chose to ignore that part.

"So," Laura plopped down onto the couch they had just built and made a pleased expression when it held her up just as it was supposed to. "Uh, talk to me about boys. Got your eye on anybody?"

Ana thought of jeremy, of his warm hands and soft smile. The way he held up doors for her and teased as if he was going to slam it shut before she could make it inside. How he'd them tease her for her height, her short legs that denied her ability to walk as quickly as him. How he'd accompany her on photography outings as her unpaid assistant, checking names off of lists and whispering jokes in her ear as she adjusted the lighting.

"Not as of right now, no," Ana moved to the kitchen, which was visible from the living room because the apartment was a studio separated by collapsible walls. "Why? Do you have somebody?"

Laura tilted her head, "I could have somebody."

"Oh," Ana poured two glasses of water, "Do tell."

She made her way back into the living room and handed Laura her glass she said, "You know my friend Corey Cott? Yes- oh, not him, Corey's married- he has a brother who's pretty cute and I was thinking of setting you two up."

"I might have to take you up on that offer," Ana sat down.

Laura shrugged and swallowed before saying, "I think you two would get along. Besides, you need to move on from Jeremy. It's been how many years and it's not going anywhere."

Ana's cheeks flushed a deep red, "What?"

"Oh, cmon, you know I know you think he's hot. Plus you guys have this, like, deep emotional connection because you're really good friends. And, finally, I know he's been crushing on you, too. But neither of you have done anything to move the relationship forward, so nothings happened."

"I didn't know he liked me," Anas expression fell sad.

If it was true, that Jeremy liked her, then Ana felt stupid.

She also felt wasted away for spending so much time secretly egging after some guy who had to know that Ana liked him back. It was his fault, then, that they had wasted all that time together with no equilibrium to their apparent flirting.

She didn't want to do that anymore.

"He totally likes-"

"Will you set me up with Corey's brother?" Ana blinked, removing herself from the spaced out state she'd been in.

"Yeah, sure," Laura grabbed her phone and stood up, "I'll call Corey and ask him about it."


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