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(Not edited)


I hung up the phone with Tray and I felt really bad for him and my sister. Ever since her and Tray got married we have been thick as thiefs and it hurts me to see them hurt. I think we should surprise them. Tray said he was gonna try and get her some food which means I got time to get some of our friends here.

"Aye baby! Come here real quick. "

Maria came up the stairs with my laptop in her hand.

"What Chris I'm trying to finish this edit for you. See," She said showing me what she had done already. Me and Tray's new intro is about to be lit!

"It's looks dope babe but I need you time put that on pause real quick cause I need you to help me with somethjng else. I need you to call Carmen and Corey and Nique and King and tell them to come home quickly. Don't say why just tell them it's important. " She shook her head grabbing her phone while I texted Airi to come over with Dan Dan. I hope we are able to lift my sisters spirits.

20 minutes later.

I'm upstairs chilling with Maria when we hear Carmen and Nique come in downstairs. I head downstairs with Maria behind me and Carmen gives me a mean mug.

"Why do we have to hurry to come back for Chris? There isn't even nobody here but you and her." She had in her heavy accent.

"Exactly! " Nique yelled chiming in. " I don't like her so you better be dying.

Maria scoffed and headed back upstairs as I heard my room door slam

" Yo you gotta chill on my girl she hasn't done anything for you to be so mean to her. You gotta chill. I said.

" No for real bae you be spazzing out on her for no reason. " King said tossing his keys on the counter.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Why did you need us home right now? " She said rolling her eyes.

"Tray called and said Jordan woke up today-"

"WHAT?! " They all said in unison. The room grew quiet but then we heard the ruffling of a chip bag looking back into the kitchen. Corey looked back at us tossing a chip in his mouth.

"What? What y'all looking at? " I swear this dude is always eating.

" Really Corey you just ate before we got here and you hungry again? " Carmen said shaking her head at him.

"Anyways Tray is bringing her home now and I wanted y'all to be here to help me cheer her up."

My phone buzzed in my pocket.

"Yo Tray said he's bringing her now. "

"Okay well did you call Airi? " Nique asked sitting next to King.

"Yeah she will be here later she's gotta get Dan Dan. " I said heading back upstairs to my room.

I knocked on the door gently.
"Babe? You alright?" I ask sitting next to her on the bed.

"I haven't done anything to her. Why does she hate me? " She asked laying her head on my shoulder.

"It's not even like that. Nique just doesn't easily let new people into our family. She was the same way with Airi. Just wait until she warms up to you. Okay? " I say kissing her.


I'm in the car with Tray he stooped to get me some food but I can't eat anything right now. He's been holding my hand since we left the hospital. I don't mind though I know he needs some comfort and I haven't been there for him in a while. After about thirty minutes we pull up to this big ass house. Damn do we live here? Tray kisses my hand.

"You ready? " He asked looking into my eyes.

I allowed myself to smile a bit.

"As long as you got me I'm good. " He returns my smile then gets out to come open my door. He gets my bag from the trunk and holds my hand as we walk up to the door. I get the keys from Tray to open the door. When I walked in my family was standing there looking sad and happy at the same time.

"Jordan? " Chris said walking towards me. I dropped Tray's keys and jump into his arms. I felt tears come down my face. I let go and put my hands on his face.

"I could never forget my Gilly " I said and everyone laughs. He let's me go and Carmen and Nique approach me. I embrace them both at the same time. As I was hugging them I felt Carmen'd belly kick causing me to look down.

"You are pregnant! I remember. Where's Corey? King?" Just as I say their names they come from out the kitchen.

I walk over to them and give them each a hug. It feels so good to be home and in their presence.

"Where is Airi? " I asked noticing she was the only one I hadn't seen. Chris explained that she was coming in a little late because she had to get Dan Dan from daycare to her moms house. My eyes drift to Carmen again and fall onto her stomach. When the accident happened she was 4 months pregnant. She's almost ready to pop.

"Baby" Tray said calling me. I felt a tear fall from my eye. He looked concerned as well as everyone else in the room. Seeing the change in mood I quickly wiped my face.

"I'm fine I'm good. Congrats Carmen. You too Corey. " I said giving them a weak smile and heading upstairs. As I walked upstairs a short-medium sized girl walked out of the restroom and she stopped to look at me flashing a quick but beautiful smile. I returned it speaking to her.

"Hi I'm Jordan. Who are you? " Say extending my hand.

She grabs it and shakes smiling.

"My name is Maria. I'm Chris' girlfriend. "

"Girlfriend? But Chris doesn't have a girlfriend." I say

"We actually just got together three months ago. You weren't here then. " She said placing her hands in her pocket. She must know.

"Well I'm Tray's wife and I live here and thanks for not bringing up you know the last couple of months. " I tell her resting against the wall. She nods slightly before walking away heading downstairs. I wonder how her and Nique are getting a long. I chuckle to myself and head to my room. I open the door and am instantly hit with memories. Pranks, sleeping with Tray and just talking with Airi and Chris. Cooking with Carmen and Corey. Playing the game with King and getting hair and beauty tips from Nique. I missed them all so much. I check my phone to sleep that its like 3 now so I decide to lay down for a while.


"Tray I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset Jordan. " Carmen said wobbling up to me holding her baby bump.

"Nah sis it's cool. She's just going through a lot right now. She just learned about Jr this morning but it's not like you could hide Nephew Bills" I say trying to lighten up the mood a bit.

She smiled a bit hugging me. " How are you holding up? " By now everybody was looking back interested in what I had to say.

"Honestly you guys I'm just trying to be strong for her you know what I'm saying? Right now making sure she's straight and getting her memory back to normal is my priority. As for me I really thought I was okay with these last five months but today deffinantly proved different. But as long as I got my baby and she's got me we gone be good. " I say trying to reassure them.

We gone be good me and my baby forever good.

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